Be a Berean.
The Bereans were citizens of the city of Berea in Macedonia. We learn about them when Paul and Silas preached to them during Paul’s second missionary journey. Their approach to God’s Word is described in the following verse:
Acts 17:11 (NKJV)
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
Who were the Bereans?
Berea was a city in Macedonia, located in what is now modern-day Greece. During Paul’s time, Macedonia was part of the Roman Empire, with a mix of Jewish and Gentile populations. The Bereans are introduced in Acts 17 as Paul and Silas’ next audience after they faced opposition in Thessalonica. Unlike the Thessalonians, who were hostile to the gospel, the Bereans were noted for their noble character and their eagerness to examine Paul’s message.
The Berean’s approach to Scripture
The Bereans serve as an exemplary model of how Christians should approach God’s Word. Here are three key characteristics of their approach:
(1) Willing Reception of God’s Word
The Bereans received Paul’s preaching with all readiness. They approached the message with open hearts and minds, eager to learn and understand.
Application: Modern Christians can emulate this attitude by coming to Scripture with a desire to learn, setting aside preconceived notions, and being open to what God wants to teach them.
(2) Examining What They Heard
The Bereans didn’t just accept Paul’s message at face value. They searched the Scriptures daily to verify whether his teachings aligned with God’s Word.
Application: Christians today can practice this by regularly studying the Bible, cross-referencing passages, and comparing what they hear from pastors, teachers, and other sources with the truth of Scripture. Tools like study Bibles, commentaries, and Bible apps can assist in this process.
(3) Continual Growth in Faith
Their daily engagement with Scripture not only validated Paul’s message but also deepened their faith.
Application: Growth in faith requires consistent study and application of Scripture. Christians should aim to make Bible study a daily habit, allowing God’s Word to transform their hearts and minds.
The Bereans’ example is a challenge for all Christians to adopt. Being a Berean helps believers guard against false teaching in a world filled with conflicting messages (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Regular engagement with Scripture grounds believers in God’s truth, enabling them to stand firm in their faith (Matthew 7:24-25).
Additionally, studying God’s Word deepens our relationship with Him, helping us know Him better, understand His will, and grow spiritually (Psalm 119:105).
The Bereans’ example reminds us that understanding and applying Scripture requires effort, but the rewards are eternal. By adopting their approach, we not only grow in knowledge but also in faith, becoming better equipped to stand firm in the truth of God’s Word.