Can satan hear our prayers and thoughts?

Several people struggle with the idea that Satan can hear their prayers and distort their plans, so they pray in their minds rather than speaking them out aloud to avoid being heard by him.

There is no precedent in the Bible on this. Nothing in the Bible suggests Satan is omniscient (all knowing), and there is no verse that suggests he can read your thoughts. However, he is able to predict human behavior better than anyone except God because he has seen us operate for a long time.

Because he knows humanity and has a supernatural mind (being an angel), he can anticipate what you might do in a given situation without knowing your thoughts.

It isn’t important whether Satan hears your prayers because he can see the way you live. If you are living right, he won’t be able to do anything, if you are living wrong, it won’t matter because you are messing up anyway.

People also teach that we should whisper our prayers or pray in different languages (like using tongues), but this is foolish and has no precedent in scripture. We are told that we can boldly approach the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).

David never whispered his prayers, he said them out loud and even had them written for us. Also, Apostle Paul never instructed us to pray quietly, instead he prayed out loud whenever he had to pray, since he lived in such a way that satan couldn’t do anything about it anyways, so it didn’t bother him if satan knew he was praying or what he was praying about.

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