Can Unbelievers be demon possessed?
Unbelievers can be demon possessed, but the question is to what degree or to what extent.
Our first step is to understand that there are only two possibilities, either you belong to God’s family or you belong to Satan’s family.
When Jesus called the leaders of Israel, “children of the devil” in John 8, He was basically saying, “If you are not a child of God, you are a child of the devil.” In other words, if God is not your father, Satan is your father.”
According to 1 John 5:19, the whole world is under the control of the evil one. The only question is how much and to what degree.
Every unbelieving person is under the influence / control of Satan, whether that person has one demon or several, it is just a matter of degree and manifestation – whether it is directly or through the world systems and ideologies
Today, demon possession in unregenerate people is far more extensive than we can understand.
It might not be what we see in biblical times, when they threw themselves into fire and causing havoc. But rather, they are more subtle – occupying souls but behaving in a way consistent with the culture.
The satanic powers are driving a lot of mainstream media and influencing people’s world views without anyone being able to identify them.
Demons may have even evolved to such a degree that they can keep themselves contained or hidden for their own purposes.
Ultimately, whether an unbeliever is overtly possessed or subtly influenced by Satan, the reality remains that without Christ, they are under his dominion.
This understanding highlights the importance of sharing the gospel, which alone has the power to break spiritual bondage and bring people into the kingdom of God.
Our focus should remain on proclaiming Christ, who alone offers freedom, redemption, and eternal life.