How can I obtain assurance of my salvation?
How can I obtain assurance of my salvation?
In order to answer this question, let’s examine some of the struggles Christians experience in their search for the assurance of salvation.
- There are some Christians who lack a biblical understanding of salvation. As a result, they neglect the fact that there is an built-in element of eternal security/assurance of their souls when they place their trust in Christ.
- There are some who minimize the doctrine of salvation completely and do not place any importance on it. In contrast, they emphasize other aspects such as gifts, service in ministry, promises in the Bible, and living a successful earthly life.
- Last but not least, there is a group of Christians that have been misguided by poorly exegetical sermons, leading them to doubt their salvation.
Sadly, when doubtful Christians seek assurance, they are told things like “remember the prayer you prayed when you came to Christ” or to “look at the date written in the back of your bible when you were baptized.”
Cliche statements like these aren’t helpful at all. Instead, we should ask ourselves simple questions like “What do I love?” or “What do I have strong affection for?”
The Bible reinforces that if you have been transformed by the Holy Spirit, you are a new creation in Christ, so there are going to be signs that you have been saved.
Here are three basic characteristics of a true believer:
- The first mark is love. As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will have a strong affection for Him. Furthermore, you will love the Scriptures and be inclined to obey Christ’s commands (these are not the experiences or affections of an unbeliever, but are evidence of God’s work within you). In addition, you will love the body of Christ (the believers and the church). Last but not least, you will develop a deep love for the lost.
- The second mark is humility. Humility is a hallmark of a true believer. As Christians grow in gratitude toward Christ for saving them, they will have an increasing sense of brokenness because of their sinfulness. In addition, they will display less pride, boasting, and self-exaltation.
- Lastly, you will desire to do right and live a righteous life. You will always desire to pursue God’s ways in your heart.
To summarize, it is not the accomplishments or perfections of your life that demonstrate your salvation; it is the direction in which your life is heading in love, humility and righteousness.