Just repent

Just repent

Making decisions in moments of grief only leads to false promises. Instead Repent.

How often we stumble and make false promises to God.

Instead, let us take a step towards getting right before God by repenting and trusting in His Grace and Mercy.

Let’s face it. Our promises to God and others are often very fickle, and we end up not fulfilling our end of the agreement.

Our natural human tendencies in moments of guilt lead us to create a set of restrictions and rules to abide by instead of dealing with the actual issue.

But there is something freeing in approaching God for forgiveness in our lives.

When we instead place our trust in God to fulfill His promises to complete the work, He began in us than to put faith in our abilities to successfully deliver on a promise.

So what is repentance?

Firstly we need to realize that repentance is not a symbol of weakness but a word of power and action.

Repentance also breaks chains that bind a sinner and sets them free moreover, even Heaven rejoices at the repentance of one sinner.

Luke 15:7 (NKJV)

I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.

We might feel unworthy to receive God’s forgiveness, but a repentant heart is the one that God can use.

Examples of such are presented throughout the Bible:

  • Peter repented, and became a mighty rock in the structure of the early Church.
  • David repented, and his joy was expressed in the music of the Psalms.
  • Jonah repented, and a great city heard the Gospel and turned to God.
  • Jacob repented, and God made him an ancestor of the Messiah, the Savior.
  • Paul repented, and God used him to take the light of the Gospel to a pagan world.

Today even if you are in the dept of your sins, repent and put your home in Jesus, our Lord, and Saviour. 

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Salvation is not a goal to achieve it is a gift to receive.

Salvation is not a goal to achieve it is a gift to receive.

Salvation is not a goal to achieve but a gift to receive.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9

A lot of people think that they have to someway work their way towards salvation, and this could affect their entire Christian experience. 

Here are a few relevant articles on some of the questions about salvation that I had, which could give you a more in-depth insight. 

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God does not want promises for the future by obedience for today.

God does not want promises for the future by obedience for today.

God does not want promises for the future by obedience for today.

How often do we sit and make promises to God?

We say things like;

  • We would change our ways.
  • We would not fall into that sin again. 
  • We would work harder and better. 

And so on. 


How about this year we change that by being obedient right now!

Wherever you are, live in the act of obedience to God in everything and watch Him move and change you, and fulfill all His Promises in Your life.

We often try and complicate our relationship with God by thinking that the more we commit to Him in our sacrifices, the more He is going to be pleased with us. But this is so much further from the truth. 

The scriptures are clear that God desires obedience more than sacrifice.

1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV)

22. But Samuel replied:

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

Sacrifice is a ritual transaction between a person and God. But if the person’s heart is not truly repentant or if they have no love for God, the sacrifice given will be in vain.

Religious ceremonies or rituals are fruitless unless they are performed with an attitude of love and obedience. “Being religious” (going to church, serving, and giving to charity) is not enough. We are required to act out of devotion and obedience to God.


God also takes more delight in who we are becoming than what we are doing.  

So here is a simple guideline that you give God his rightful place in your heart, and then whatever you do will be a beautiful result of your love for Him. 

Hosea 6:6 (NLT)

6. I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices.

I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings.

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Salvation is not a goal to achieve it is a gift to receive.

A lot of people think that they have to someway work their way towards salvation, and this could affect their entire Christian experience.

Just repent

How often we stumble and make false promises to God.
Instead, let us take a step towards getting right before God by repenting and trusting in His Grace and Mercy.

God does not want promises for the future by obedience for today.

How often do we sit and make promises to God?
We say things like;
• We would change our ways.
• We would not fall into that sin again.
• We would work harder and better.
And so on.

You are saved by the blood of Jesus and safe by the word of God.

Your eternal security is assured in Jesus, and your safety in the world is determined by the time and attention you give to God and His Word.

You are saved by the blood of Jesus and safe by the word of God.

You are saved by the blood of Jesus and safe by the word of God.

You are saved by the blood of Jesus and safe by the word of God.

Your eternal security is assured in Jesus, and your safety in the world is determined by the time and attention you give to God and His Word.

The blood of Jesus is sufficient to save us from the wrath of God and to cleanse us of our sin.

Romans 5:9

Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

A lot of times, we can live our Christian lives doubting if we are even going to make it heaven?

But the good news is that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was enough for your salvation.

All you have to do is believe in Jesus, who made a way to heaven for you.

But you might wonder that if the blood is so powerful, why do we still face problems? And how do we overcome those problems?

The answer lies in the Bible, which Christians believe is the inspired word of God.

God has given us the Bible to teach us who He is and how we should be living our lives.

One thing that we need to follow as a believer is to “attach ourselves to God.” As simple as that may sound, it is equally relevant and essential to our daily walk.

We should be inclined to make it a priority to spend time with God every day through the reading of His word. The Bible is filled with countless promises and life lessons for everyone.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 

17. so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work

A lot of times, we can completely ignore the Bible and its importance. Still, there are countless testimonies online of people (including myself) who have witnessed strength/wisdom and understanding in their circumstances by just reading the word. 

Try to make it a point to fix sometime of your day to read the Bible. 

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You are saved by the blood of Jesus and safe by the word of God.

Your eternal security is assured in Jesus, and your safety in the world is determined by the time and attention you give to God and His Word.

Just repent

How often we stumble and make false promises to God.
Instead, let us take a step towards getting right before God by repenting and trusting in His Grace and Mercy.

God does not want promises for the future by obedience for today.

How often do we sit and make promises to God?
We say things like;
• We would change our ways.
• We would not fall into that sin again.
• We would work harder and better.
And so on.

Salvation is not a goal to achieve it is a gift to receive.

A lot of people think that they have to someway work their way towards salvation, and this could affect their entire Christian experience.

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