Dangers of Women preaching?

The topic of women preaching in the church is one that sparks significant debate in today’s society, particularly as cultural movements challenge traditional biblical interpretations. Many churches face pressure to redefine or reinterpret roles within the church, particularly regarding women in teaching and leadership positions.

Again this discussion is not about diminishing the value or spiritual equality of women, as Scripture affirms both men and women are equal in their standing before God (Galatians 3:28). Rather, it is about faithfulness to God’s design for roles within the church and the home as laid out in His Word.

Why does this matter? Because when a church begins to compromise on clear biblical teaching in one area, it often opens the door to compromising on other critical doctrines. There are dangers of ignoring or altering God’s Word on this issue.

Churches that compromise on this teaching may also compromise on other teachings.

It isn’t a coincidence that a church like Corinth and many churches today that permit women to speak also compromise on other doctrines.

It is likely that if you deny the teachings of scripture on one issue, or if you are biased towards one issue, or if you are ignorant of one issue, then you would have no hesitation in compromising on other issues.

Men tend to become less motivated to do anything.

Men’s failure to lead in the home and in the church, and to lead in the way Jesus would lead, has been a chief cause of the rejection of male authority.

Ephesians 5:25-26 (NKJV)
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.

This passage highlights the spiritual responsibility of husbands to guide their wives with the Word of God.

However, it is possible for women to go beyond their biblical roles when they become frustrated with Christian men (especially their own husbands) who fail in this responsibility.

In such situations, it is natural for women to take the initiative. However, they must also demonstrate a certain “submissive influence” which may come as a form of encouragement to empower weak men. This is important to say because most women out of frustration would rather demean and mock men, which demotivates them even more.

Throughout the Bible, men are susceptible to becoming intimidated by women – when they came to arrest Jesus, Peter pulled a sword out and prepared to die for Him. Soon after, a little girl questioned him and he ended up denying Christ. Elijah after his battles with hundreds of prophets of Baal on the mountain top, when Jezebel (the wife of King Ahab, known for promoting the worship of Baal and persecuting the prophets of God) sends him a letter and he runs for his life.

It is important for men to take full responsibility for their leadership roles and to be accountable for their actions. Men should be priestly leaders in their families and churches.

In conclusion, the issue of women preaching is not about questioning their value or spiritual equality, but about upholding God’s clear design for roles within the church and home. When churches compromise on this teaching, they often compromise on others, leading to doctrinal drift and confusion.

Faithfulness to God’s Word means honoring the roles He has given, with men leading as Christ-like shepherds and women supporting and encouraging in their God-given capacities. This isn’t about cultural preferences but about obedience to Scripture, preserving the integrity of the gospel, and glorifying God through His perfect design.

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