Why is eternal security important?
Why is Eternal security important?
It is essential that believers have assurance of their salvation since everything in the Christian lives depends on it. The foundation of our fellowship with God is based on the assurance that He has truly redeemed us from the clutches of hell and would not forsake us.
Furthermore, since individuals cannot receive salvation after death, God would want believers to know that they are saved.
What are the benefits of eternal security?
In addition to eternal security being an essential component of the Christian faith, it is also vital for a believer’s daily walk in faith. The following are some of the benefits of eternal security;
Stability in life: Believers who have an assurance of their salvation will remain stable during difficult times, they will live with the confidence that God does not change, and therefore, His grace is sufficient in all circumstances and situations.
An effective prayer life: Believers who have an assurance of their salvation will also have a practical prayer life, knowing that they can commune with God and approach Him with their requests.
Authority over Satan: Believers can be confident that they are “Hidden with Christ” (Col. 3:3). Therefore, trust the power of the Holy Spirit to help them resist Satan and stand firm when condemned by him.
As we can see, having an assurance of a secure relationship with God enables believers to endure the struggles of living in a fallen world.