
The question of free will and God’s sovereignty has long been debated among Christians. Does man truly have the ability to choose freely, or is every decision ultimately governed by God’s will?

The Bible makes it clear that human will is not independent or absolute—it is bound by sin and unable to choose righteousness apart from divine intervention. While we have the capacity to make choices, our will is enslaved to our fallen nature, and only God’s sovereign grace can set us free.

Throughout Scripture, we see that salvation is not initiated by human will but by God’s electing purpose. Left to ourselves, we would never seek God (Romans 3:10-12).

Our desires govern our choices, and without a regenerated heart, those desires are always inclined toward sin. Yet, in His mercy, God sovereignly changes the hearts of those He calls, enabling them to truly choose Him. This raises an important question—how do we reconcile God’s sovereignty with human responsibility?

While some view these truths as contradictory, Scripture upholds both. God predestines and elects, yet man is still responsible for his choices.

Just as Jesus is both fully God and fully man, and Paul’s writings were both his words and God’s inspired truth, divine sovereignty and human responsibility coexist in a way that may be beyond our comprehension. Rather than attempting to resolve this mystery, we must embrace both realities as biblical truth.

In the following articles, we will explore the nature of human will, the impact of sin on our choices, the doctrine of election, and how these truths should shape our understanding of salvation and Christian living.

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