Genuine evidence of the Holy Spirit’s influence

There are many Charismatic circles that believe material prosperity, mindless emotionalism, and the performance of miracles are “signs” of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In contrast, the Bible says our “sanctification” spiritual growth is evidence of the Spirit’s presence in a believer. The Spirit’s power and leading helps us live out practical holiness and displaying Christlikeness. The Holy Spirit  accomplishes this as He applies biblical truth to the hearts of the redeemed.

We can also see evidence of the Spirit’s influence in the fruits displayed in a persons life such as love, joy peace, patience and sacrificial commitment to Christ’s Lordship. Sadly, in Charismatic circles, this has been replaced or reversed by a perverse obsession with material wealth, health and temporal happiness.

The approach taken by charismatic preachers has often resulted in unregenerate sinners being promised things their hearts desire life the material things of this world instead of what they truly need. The tragedy of it is that such carnal lusts are being baptized in Christian language in an attempt to mimic the goodness of Christ.

True evidence of the Holy Spirit’s influence is not found in material prosperity, emotional outbursts, or miraculous displays but in the transformation of a believer’s life.

The Spirit works to conform us to the image of Christ, producing fruits such as love, joy, peace, and patience that testify to His sanctifying power. When our lives reflect practical holiness and sacrificial devotion to Christ, we demonstrate the Spirit’s genuine work within us.

The Holy Spirit equips us to live lives marked by eternal purpose rather than fleeting worldly desires. This is the ultimate benefit of His presence—to bring glory to God, advance His kingdom, and transform us into vessels that reflect His grace and truth.

Instead of seeking signs or temporary blessings, let us pursue the Spirit’s work in cultivating Christlike character and faithful obedience, which are far greater evidences of His power than anything the world could offer.

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