Historical Role of men and women
If we look at this issue historically, men have mostly been in-charge of the household and the church, however this has been altered in the last century, with the rise of the feminist movement.
It was understood for the first 1900 years of church history that male pastors were primarily responsible for leadership and teaching roles within the church.
Nevertheless, we should ask ourselves why the “role of women” has changed and why has the church suddenly woken up after 1900 years? Were we preventing women from achieving their full potential? Were women really supposed to be pastors along the way? Did we miss all these scriptures in 1900 years?
Or are we pressured by culture or the fear of being branded chauvinistic and socially backward?
Answer: we have been badgered and intimidated into changing the timeless truths of scriptures to suit our changing social environment.
Our culture has rejected the idea of any difference in the roles between men and women. The driving trend in our culture has moved towards men who are more like women, and women who are more like men.
It is important to note that the Bible’s teaching on women’s submission is specific and does not extend to every aspect of society. The Scriptures do not command a general submission of women to men, but rather limit this principle to the roles within the home and the church. There is no biblical directive that men are to have sole authority in areas such as business, politics, or education. This distinction emphasizes that God’s design is not about diminishing women but about assigning specific roles within the family and the church for His glory.
In addition, it does not mean that all women in the church are under the authority of all men. Rather, it means that church leaders – pastors and ruling elders – must be men, with women (and other men) respecting their authority.
In no way, however, does this diminish or demean the role of women, either in the family or in the church. In no way does the fact that men cannot have children devalue their humanity or their role in the family. It is simply that God has entrusted them with a different function with the church and the married home.