how do we deal with Satanic oppression?
Pride comes from him, sin comes from being tempted by him.
We are not called to advance and take back territory, but to stand in the victory we have in Christ and in what the Scriptures teach us.
Whenever we resist him, he flees.
It is essential to allow the word of God to dwell richly within you. As we read our bible daily, our minds are informed and this helps fight the mental battle.
We cannot also use the demons as an excuse for all our sins. In many deliverance ministries, sin is simply associated with demon possession; if you are drunk, you have the demon of alcohol, if you are lustful, you have the demon of lust (according to some spiritual warfare experts, the demon of lust also appears to have a horde of helpers called sensuality, passion, and hormones who all work together).
The main problem is that we end up removing all sense of responsibility for owning our sins and mortifying the flesh. By making ourselves victims rather than perpetrators, we view our sins as external, rather than internal.
According to the Bible, lust, fornication, drunkenness, idolatry, greed, pride, and even homosexuality are the fruits of the flesh, rather than demons.
Furthermore, the scriptures say that we need to repent of our sins and mortify our flesh (kill it), resist, stand in the truth, and die to our sin. We need to wage war with sin, calling upon Jesus in the moment of need and He will sanctify us in the truth.
The Christian’s primary enemy is not satan it is the flesh.
James 1:13-14 (NKJV)
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
We cannot blame our failings on Satan, because the responsibility lies with us.