Interpretation & Application

There is a basic distinction between interpretation and the application of the biblical text to our lives. Interpretation involves allowing proper context to explain the text, while application involves using that interpretation to affect our actions and hearts. At best, there is only one proper interpretation of any given biblical text. However, there may be multiple applications for one verse.

Now granted, some texts of Scripture are difficult to understand and have produced a variety of interpretive opinions. Unfortunately, even some seemingly clear passages have been misinterpreted, especially when the reader tries to quickly find a practical application for their life.

Modern misapplication of Scripture often arises from our desire for quick fixes and instant solutions. This approach has minimized careful study in exchange for immediate application. Instead, we should carefully read the Scriptures, desiring to uncover essential background information that leads us to accurate interpretations.

Even when preaching God’s word, many teachers often ignore proper interpretation to rapidly reach an application or illustrate a preconceived idea.

Such preaching methods are ineffective. Preachers must instead focus on their responsibility of clearly presenting the truth of Scripture, trusting Scripture alone, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to convict and transform hearts.

While practical applications in preaching can be helpful, they will not fully cover all the individual issues within a congregation, nor is there sufficient time for preachers to provide personalized applications to everyone listening.

The Bible is God’s inspired word, but the same cannot always be said of the interpretations derived from it. Many cults, including some Christian groups, have used the Bible to support their erroneous doctrines. Often, misinterpretations extracted from a simple biblical text not only differ from the original context but directly contradict it.

This by no means implies that the Bible itself is confusing or impossible to interpret; rather, the problem lies with us and the methods we use to interpret it.

The crux of the issue is our sinful nature. Because we are sinners, we are incapable of consistently interpreting God’s word without allowing our old sinful thoughts, ideas, and worldviews to interfere. Our body, mind, will, and emotions have been tarnished by sin, making perfect interpretation impossible.

However, this does not mean we should abandon interpreting Scripture. On the contrary, we must approach God’s word with care, humility, and sound reasoning.

Most importantly, we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we interpret, meditate on, and study the Scriptures. Since the Holy Spirit inspired Scripture, He alone can lead us into a proper understanding and illuminate how each text should be applied to our lives. 

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