Is God real?

Last Updated

Jan 10, 2025

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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The question of whether God exists has intrigued humanity throughout history, this is evident in the diverse beliefs in a “supreme being” across various cultures. Every nation and tribe believes in some form of a God, a spirit, or a supreme being.

In order to answer this question from a christian standpoint, we will examine four key ways that God has shown us He exists, using the acronym “CCSS.” Creation / Conscience / Scripture / Savior.


Having God as the creator of the universe is the best way to explain its origins. The universe could not have been designed out of thin air; something had to have created it.

Consider the fine-tuning of the universe and how for life to survive; even a slight change in conditions could have devastating consequences. 

The following are six examples of our fine-tuned universe that are indicative of an intelligent designer.

  • If the strength of gravitational attraction were slightly different, life on earth would not be possible. 
  • If the moon were slightly larger, its gravitational pull would be higher, causing tidal waves that would engulf the land. 
  • If the earth had more than one moon, the tides would be unstable. 
  • If the earth was slightly closer to the sun, our atmosphere would be too hot to survive. 
  • If the earth was slightly away from the sun, we would freeze to death.
  • The earth has just about enough oxygen (that is 21 percent of the atmosphere) for creatures to be able to breathe. If there were a higher percentage of oxygen (above 25%,) things would catch on fire easily. If there were a lower percentage of oxygen (less than 15%), living beings would suffocate. 
  • Jupiter, a neighboring giant planet, has a powerful gravitational pull that attracts asteroids and comets that would otherwise  strike earth. 

Everything about our planet seems to have been designed to allow living creatures to exist. A question we should ask ourselves is this: “Are these the result of a random cosmic coincidence, or was there an intelligent designer involved?” 


Humans are born with a knowledge of right and wrong because God Himself has imprinted it on our conscience (Romans 2:11-16)

Our innate sense of right and wrong, is an evidence of a higher moral law, which suggests the existence of an external moral lawgiver.

Our conscience suggests that our understanding of right and wrong isn’t just something created by society, but rather it comes from God.

Scripture and Savior:

The Bible’s fulfilled prophecies, particularly those concerning Jesus Christ, bolster the argument for divine revelation. Examining the historical reliability of these texts can deepen our understanding of their significance. The figure of Jesus, as described in these  prophetic scriptures, presents a compelling narrative of God’s intervention in human history.


It is plausible to conclude from creation & conscience alone that all there is something outside of us which has set everything in motion. Christians take it one step further by teaching that this “something” is God, who is revealed in the sacred scriptures through the person of Jesus Christ.

Throughout the Bible, God’s presence is definite. In fact, the Bible never tries to defend or explain the existence of God; rather, it says the following about those who do not believe:

Psalm 14:1 (NKJV)

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.

Before anyone gets offended by the above verse, there is a distinct difference between those who do not accept God’s existence as an undeniable fact and those who doubt and are still seeking truth earnestly.

As a conclusion, ask yourself this: What more proof do I need apart from what has already been provided to me to believe in God? God does not need to prove Himself.

Consider this: If God were to write on the moon, “I AM JESUS, WORSHIP ME,” technically everyone would worship Him; however, the basis of such belief would be through fear, not faith.

However, this is not the way God planned for us to know Him. It is through creation, conscience, and His son Jesus, as revealed in the Scriptures, which God has chosen to reveal Himself to us and more importantly it must be through faith. Ultimately, it is simply our own ignorance and sin that hinders us from believing in Him.


Pslam 14:1

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