Is God still sending prophets today?

Is God still sending prophets today? The answer is no. God is not sending us prophets today, nor should we expect Him to do so.

Ephesians 2:20 clearly states that the church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.”

This verse makes it evident that the role of apostles and prophets was foundational to the early church. Just as a foundation is laid once in the construction of a building, the foundation of the church has already been established.

In Reformed theology, it is understood that the offices of apostles and prophets were unique to the early church and ceased once their purpose was fulfilled. These offices were instrumental in establishing the church and delivering God’s revelation, culminating in the completed work of Jesus Christ.

With the full canon of Scripture now available to us, there is no need for further prophetic revelation.

The completion of the Bible marks the end of new revelation. God’s final and perfect revelation came through Jesus Christ, and it is recorded in the New Testament.

Therefore, the Scriptures are sufficient for all teaching, correction, and instruction in righteousness. We do not need modern prophets because God has given us everything we need in His Word.

In conclusion, God is not sending prophets today because their foundational role in the church has already been fulfilled. The completed Scriptures provide all the guidance and truth we need, making the role of prophets unnecessary in the present age. Instead of seeking new revelation, we are called to study and obey the Word of God, which remains our ultimate and sufficient authority.

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