Is it okay to use songs from Hillsong & Bethel?

In light of Hillsong’s and Bethel’s aberrant theology, shouldn’t we refrain from singing songs produced by these churches? But what if the lyrics are meaningful?

The bottom line is that if something is true, it is true, and we can accept that truth. But that shouldn’t be our only criteria when picking songs, as it can be dangerous to get involved with movements whose theology is off.

Meanwhile, there are songs written by Reformed Christians that are bad theologically, and there are also a lot of songs written by non-Christians that are good theologically.

The key is that we practice good discernment, not only with church teachings, but with everything.

It’s true that Hillsong and Bethel have some beautiful songs, but that doesn’t justify their bad theology or teachings.

The old saying goes that a clock that doesn’t run is right twice a day, and so you may find a few truths now and again, but that’s no reason to justify the whole movement.

It is recommended to avoid songs from such movements since they are ‘active’ ministries. This means that a congregation member who is attracted to a particular song may decide to tune into the preaching and teaching of the church and be mislead or misguided.

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