Is it possible to know for sure if you are going to Heaven?
Many people doubt if they would ever be part of Heaven and wonder if there is a way to know for sure.
Let’s think of a scenario to illustrate this. Suppose you are at the airport gate – if you have a ticket, you can have the assurance that the flight attendant will let you on the flight.
The same is true for getting into Heaven.
The simple question is, how do you get this ticket? And the answer is by repenting of your sins and believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Why does this matter?
1. It matters because when you trust in Jesus alone, you can have the assurance that you belong to God and are one of His;
2. It matters because it now no longer depends on your performance; but rather on His finished work on the cross as a sacrifice for all our sins. Therefore, we are saved on His terms and His authority.
When you have realized all of the above in your life, you will have a deep assurance that you belong to God. The process starts with a simple Yes to His calling.
In conclusion, salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ and not through our performances or rituals. He alone is able to and will save you, and you can have the assurance that when death comes, your name will be called.
Acts 4:12 (NKJV)
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Salvation is through faith alone in Jesus and not through our performances or rituals.