John 10:34 – You are a little God.
John 10:34 (NKJV)
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’?
You are a little God and are able to create things by simply speaking things into existence.
Jesus’ words here are not to be taken as a literal call that we are some sort of gods but rather he was simply challenging the inconsistency of the Jewish leaders who were okay with calling the rules/judges as god, but rejected Him as the Messiah.
As with Psalm 82:6, John 10:34 is often read out of context to imply that humans are divine or can achieve god-like status. This interpretation misses Jesus’ argumentative intent in the dialogue.
Psalm 82:6 (NKJV)
I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.
Psalm 82:6 criticizes leaders, such as those of nations or cities, for their unjust judgments and failure to protect the vulnerable, like the weak and fatherless. In biblical times, specifically in Exodus, when individuals sought justice or resolution from their rulers, it was like seeking help from God. This is because these rulers were seen as representatives of God’s authority, a concept also echoed in Romans 13 which emphasizes that governmental power is derived from God, positioning rulers as God’s earthly representatives.
In John 10, Jesus uses the metaphor of a shepherd to emphasize His unique relationship with his sheep (believers). As the chapter progresses, Jesus claims unity with the Father, indicating His divine nature: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). This claim incited a strong reaction from the Jewish leaders, who were ready to stone Him for blasphemy.
In response, Jesus references Psalm 82 to challenge the inconsistency of the Jewish leaders: if human rulers can be called “gods” in their authoritative roles without blaspheming, how much more appropriate is it for Jesus, given His works and mission, to claim His unique sonship and unity with the Father?
According to Jesus, if mere men can be called gods (whether that be human rulers/judges or heavenly beings) because they have authority and power, how much more should one who is to be the Son of God / Messiah?