Journey for Truth

Freedom from false teachings that may be in your church. 

In today’s Christian landscape, certain teachers and movements promote sensational “signs” or mystical experiences that can distract believers from the simplicity of the gospel. Sincere Christians may feel ashamed or “second-class” when they fail to experience these phenomena, while those hurt by church leaders or confused by contradictory doctrines may abandon faith altogether. These distortions not only undermine genuine spiritual growth but also drive people away from the saving truth of Christ.

Journey for Truth seeks to bring readers back to the central authority of Scripture by exposing such false teachings and demonstrating how they often stem from misinterpretation or human-centered agendas. The questions addressed in this blog does not aim to weaken anyone’s faith; rather, it encourages believers to embrace the biblical freedom and clarity that God’s Word provides. By “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15), Journey for Truth helps readers rediscover the power of the true gospel—a message of grace and assurance, free from unbiblical burdens and spiritual confusion.

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