New Testament healings were completely successful
The healing miracles of Jesus never failed, neither did those done by the Apostles in the book of Acts.
- All who touched the “hem” of Christ were made “perfectly well.” (Matthew 14:35–36)
- Leapers who were healed received total recovery that enabled them to pass an inspection by a priest. (Luke 17:14)
- Blind got 20/20 vision. (Mark 8:25 / Matthew 9:27–30)
- Lame could run and jump. (Matthew 15:30–31 / Acts 3:7–8)
- Deaf could hear a pin drop. (Mark 7:32–35)
- Dead people were restored to full health. (Mark 5:41–42 / John 11:43–44)
There were no partial healings that took days to materialize. They were all instant and were all done for one purpose which was to glorify God. These miracles were not merely acts of compassion but served as signs to demonstrate the authenticity of divine power, validate Christ’s identity as the Messiah, and affirm the authority of His apostles. They also stand in stark contrast to the inconsistent and questionable practices of modern faith healers, emphasizing that the focus was always on glorifying God rather than elevating the healer. Furthermore, they serve as a foretaste of the ultimate restoration and healing believers will experience in eternity, highlighting God’s redemptive plan.
Some might counter by pointing to the disciples’ failure to cast out a demon in Matthew 17:20 or the Lord’s decision to heal a blind man in two stages in Mark 8:22–26. However, those exceptions only prove the rule in both cases full healing was ultimately achieved.
Interestingly, the disciples’ failure to heal the sick child was caused by a lack of faith on their part (and not by the sick child). For modern healers to find a parallel with that incident, they must recognize that it is their own lack of faith that causes it.
Furthermore, in the case of the blind man who was healed in two stages, Jesus used this opportunity to make a spiritual point—accentuating the spiritual shortsightedness of the disciples (cf. Mark 8:21). Ultimately, the Lord fully restored the man’s sight.