Do the Old Testament laws still apply to Christians today?
The question of whether Christians should adhere to Old Testament (OT) laws is often debated. Many progressive Christians completely disregard the OT laws in favor of those more commonly accepted today. Additionally, there are laws in the OT that many legalist preachers have used to burden their congregations.
However, we need to carefully understand and examine the laws and whether they are binding to Christians today and what purpose do they serve if they are. Now, in order to determine if these OT laws apply to Christians today, scholars have divided them into three categories: civil law, ceremonial law, and moral law.
Ceremonial Law:
Reason for?
Explicitly related to Israel’s worship:
- Like the offering animal sacrifices.
- Circumcision.
What about it now?
- Its primary purpose was to point toward Jesus Christ; these laws are no longer necessary after Jesus’ death and resurrection, as we now have direct access to the Father.
- While we are no longer bound by the ceremonial laws, the principles behind them to worship and love a holy God still apply.
- The Pharisees often accused Jesus of violating the ceremonial law.
Civil Law:
Reason for?
A guide for daily living in the days of Israel:
- Like the requirement of wearing cross-fiber clothing.
- Men commanded not to cut their hair.
What about it now?
- Society and culture in the modern world today are so radically different from the days of Israel, these guidelines cannot be explicitly followed.
- However, the principles behind these commands are timeless and should guide our conduct.
- Jesus demonstrated these principles by example through His daily living and conduct while on earth.
The Mortal Law:
Reason for?
They are direct commands from God, such as the 10 Commandments.
What about it now?
- These direct commands from God require strict obedience.
- The moral law reveals the nature and the will of God, and it still applies today.
- Jesus obeyed the moral law completely.
The segregation of Jewish law into different classes is a concept created by scholars in order to gain a deeper understanding of God’s reason / motive behind these laws.
While not all applicable the OT laws are still valuable for Christians as a source of moral instruction and wisdom. While ceremonial and civil laws had specific applications for Israel, moral laws have ongoing relevance. For instance, most of the Ten Commandments are reiterated in the New Testament, demonstrating their continued importance.
It’s important to remember that the law we have today isn’t necessarily a bad thing; rather it serves three glorious purposes:
- It is a reflection of who God is
- A guide to what God expects of us and from us
- A mirror to see how well we measure up against God’s standards.
The law reveals our shortcomings, and since we are unable to achieve its standards, it enables us to focus on looking onto Christ, who became the fulfillment of the law.
Jesus Christ not only raised the standards of the law to a higher level, He also showed that only He could fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17 (NKJV)
Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
The fulfillment of Jesus’ claim in the above verse is seen as completing the law’s spiritual purpose rather than negating its moral principles. Christians, therefore, are not bound by the ceremonial and civil laws specific to Israel but are guided by the moral laws which reflect God’s enduring character.
In conclusion, while Christians are not under the Old Testament as a legal system for salvation, the moral aspects of the law continue to provide ethical guidance. The ceremonial and civil laws, while not directly applicable, offer valuable historical and theological insights. The Old Testament remains a crucial part of Christian scripture, illuminating the path to understanding God’s plan and character.