The Charismatic defense of tongues

In defense of speaking in tongues, Charismatics sometimes use the following arguments:

“Tongue speech is unique to each individual and often begins with nothing more than a syllable thoughtlessly repeated.”

“When you ask the Holy Spirit, you may hear a syllable bubble up or roll around in your head. As soon as you speak it in faith, it will be like opening a dam, and your language will become a poem.”

“You don’t understand what you’re saying… However, it is more about praying with your spirit than with your mind.”

The tongues experience will bring you closer to God. I feel like I am able to tap into God’s heart and what He desires. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say or speak, but I know it’s what God wants me to say. The feeling is more like an entitlement, you can feel Him all around you and through your words.”

“Some people get goosebumps and a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.”

It is true that these arguments may sound good in theory or may even come from a good intention, but they do not fully justify or explain the experience and how it helps us grow in sanctification.

Many of these experiences occur when a person enters a trance-like state of altered consciousness, which may well be induced by circumstances around them.

The modern expressions of glossolalia are deceptive and dangerous, offering only a pretense of true spirituality. Charismatics may claim it is God speaking through them, but there is no evidence that this comes from the Holy Spirit or aids in His work of producing holiness.

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