The Jesus of the Catholic Church is not the same
Roman Catholicism has created a different Jesus than the one described in Scripture.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church here are some implied statements about Jesus (paragraph numbers in parenthesis):
- He is unable to save forever (1861)
- He is unable to atone for all sin (1030, 1471)
- He returns physically to earth daily (1374-78)
- He dies again and again every day during the mass services (1367)
- He did not finish the work of redemption on the cross (1405)
- He is not the only mediator between God and man (969, 494)
- He is not the only way to heaven (841)
If we are required to trust in Jesus for our eternal salvation, it is imperative to have a true understanding of Christ.
The Scriptures are clear that the Lord Jesus Christ is able to save sinners permanently and completely. Having completed the work of redemption on the cross, Jesus can atone for all sins. As the only mediator between God and man, Jesus is the only way to God and the only name under heaven that can save man. Having been raised from the dead, Jesus has declared victory over death, and He will return to earth in glory on the last day.