If God is so loving, why then, is the Christian path to heaven so narrow?

Last Updated

Jul 31, 2021

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This question can be further elaborated by another question “why is the path so narrow, and why does it not include many who think they are right in their own consciences?”

Before we answer, we first need to understand why so many religious beliefs exist and why they contradict each other by presenting us with conflicting natures of God.

The simple reason is that Satan is seeking to divert souls from Christ to the world, from the truth of the gospel to deception, and from Heaven to Hell.

If you have a legal currency note, there will always be those who would try to come up with counterfeit currencies.

Therefore, it may seem right in people’s minds; however, Satan has made replicas and diverted people’s attention from God. 

What is fascinating about the Christian path to heaven is that it is not narrow but rather a road full of mercy and grace. 

If the Christian path were indeed narrow, it would have many restrictions to get to heaven, such as how many laws you had to obey, or how much money you had to contribute, or how many deeds you would have to perform to break out of a caste system and the list goes on.

Take, for example, the pantheistic worldview (with its caste system) states that there is nothing you can do to change the purpose for which you were born, and ultimately it is the universes’ way to settle your karmic debt.

This kind of path is what we should consider as narrow as there is nothing one could do to break free from the shackles of the caste of your birth. This illustration is accurate and similar to other world religions as well.

Coming back to Christianity, when Lord Jesus said that if anyone comes to Him, He will not cast them out does not seem like a narrow path. Instead, it just shows us that the gates of heaven are open for anyone who calls out to Him.

John 6:37 (NKJV)

All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

The narrowness lies in the fact that we cannot manufacture our own truth. God is one, and so is His provision is for you and me, and all He has asked of us is to receive that provision. 

Let’s turn our backs on that provision. We are not submitting to the generosity of God but instead becoming narrow in our own choices.

The path prescribed in the Bible is not narrow at all; rather, it is a road filled with the prevenient grace of God and is a free gift for the entire world to receive.

John 3:16 (NKJV)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Christian path to heaven is not narrow but rather, a road full of mercy and grace.


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