Word of Faith movement

Dangers of the word of faith movement

The word of faith movement is primarily concerned with making people healthy, wealthy and happy. They claim that all believers can achieve total victory over their finances, relationships and health.

Moreover, the movement claims that all believers can experience their best life by simply making positive confessions, claiming material prosperity, and unlocking the keys to earthly fame.

But why are the people in the movement losing their jobs, unable to make ends meet, and not prosperous? Why isn’t the pastor healthy? Did God let them down? If it really was something that God promised, why didn’t He fulfill it?

These questions reveal a deeper issue within this movement’s teachings, highlighting how it can foster dangerous and misleading expectations about faith and God’s promises.

Additionally and more importantly, this movement fails to teach and proclaim the true tenants of the Gospel message;

  • Repentance
  • Laying down of your life
  • Serving the kingdom
  • Proclaiming the Bible as the sole authority for our lives
  • Embrace the truth of the scriptures rather than being enslaved by our own feelings.

The basis for a lot of the topics within this book can be traced back to the Word of Faith movement. This movement shows a fundamental misunderstanding of our human condition as well as God’s Word. In the following sections, we will look more closely at some of the core ideas and teachings promoted by this movement, examining how they deviate from biblical truth and impact the faith and lives of believers.

“Name it & Claim it” or “Prosperity Gospel”

The “name it & claim” it or “prosperity gospel” has its roots in the Word of Faith movement.

The name it and claim it message has more in common with new age mystics than with biblical christianity. In fact it is not only unbiblical but also in many ways directly opposed to the true gospel message and clear teaching of scripture.

The new age belief assumes that a person can create realities by their own thoughts, and now mixed with some Christianity the so call prosperity preachers advice that we can use the “power of faith” to create our own reality or get whatever we want.

In essence, faith is being redefined from “trusting in a holy and sovereign God” to “a way of controlling God to give us what we want.”

Faith in effect becomes a force whereby we can get what we want rather than trusting in God even during times of trial and suffering.

What the prosperity gospel or the “power of positive thinking” have in common is that the premise is the same – what you think or believe will happen is ultimately what controls what will happen. If you think negative thoughts or are lacking in faith, you will suffer or not get what you want.

The idea that if you think positive thoughts or just have “enough faith,” then you can have health, wealth, and happiness is a false teaching that appeals to one of man’s most basic needs (health & wealth), which is one reason why it is hugely popular.

While the prosperity gospel and the idea of controlling one’s future with thoughts or faith is appealing to sinful man, it is insulting to the sovereign God.

Instead of recognizing the absolute sovereign power of God, the “name it and claim it” followers embrace a false god who cannot operate apart from their faith. They present a false view of God by teaching that He wants to bless us with health, wealth, and happiness but cannot do so unless YOU have enough faith.

This implies that God is no longer in control but man is – which is of course, is completely incompatible to what Scripture teaches. God does not depend upon man’s “faith” to act.

Throughout Scripture we see God blessing whom He chooses to bless and healing whom He chooses to heal. God is sovereign over all things, and His will is not dependent on our faith or desires. True faith trusts in His wisdom and timing, recognizing that He alone holds ultimate control over every aspect of our lives.

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