Using the law to share the gospel

When sharing the gospel, what importance does the law have in revealing sin and the need for a Savior? And how do we evangelize using the law without coming off as a legalist?

The first thing we need to understand is that salvation is a divine rescue from eternal damnation. The purpose of salvation is not to provide people with a sense of purpose, give them a boost to live a happy, comfortable life, make them more prosperous and happier, or to increase their self-esteem.

Salvation involves saving oneself from eternal damnation. The real issue today is to shift people’s focus away from themselves, as they are often in denial, asking, “How could someone as good as me possibly end up in hell?”

Our culture today is characterized by a lack of understanding of God’s holy and righteous nature. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus describes how the law is not only established externally, but expanded on the inside.

It is important for us to understand that God is more righteous than we can comprehend and we are less righteous than we think.

The separation cannot be bridged, and this is why we need a redeemer and a savior to rescue us from the consequences of these violations.

In this sense, the law is crucial for sharing the gospel because you can only understand divine judgment if you understand the law.

The law exposes people’s shortcomings and efforts, which is effective during evangelism and weekly preaching. However, just leaving the message in the hands of the listeners heaps a burden on them that they can’t handle.

Congregations can end up feeling like they are walking on eggshells because at any moment they can be sent to hell because they are not doing enough. This is precisely why many people are leaving the faith saying “I am not doing enough to please Him anyways, so why try?”

This is why we must proclaim Jesus Christ in every gospel presentation. The message of Jesus’ cross and victory in the resurrection, the truth of God’s mercy, the redemption plan of Jesus’ sinless life and death on our behalf etc., are the key truths needed to help encourage the believers.

It is fundamentally necessary to bring Grace and Mercy into the picture to complete the story of the gospel and fulfill the requirements of the law..

Christ’s finished work on the cross and His resurrection fulfilled the Law on our behalf, and so now our only job is to come, receive and believe in Him.

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