What does the Holy Spirit do?
The Bible teaches that divine work originates with the Father, is carried out by Jesus, and completed by the Holy Spirit. This triune collaboration underscores the distinct yet interconnected roles of each Person of the Trinity.
Although most Christians understand the roles of Jesus and the Father, many often find the role of the Holy Spirit more elusive to define and understand.
The Holy Spirit’s primary work is to point people to Jesus Christ (John 15:26;16:14), bringing sinners to a true knowledge of the Savior through the preaching of the gospel and conforming them to the glorious image of the Son of God (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).
Thus, His primary ministerial focus is to set our eyes on the Lord Jesus, and so those who are “Spirit-led” and “Spirit-filled” will likewise be Christ-centered.
Additionally, the Holy Spirit plays a multifaceted role in the lives of believers:
- Empowering believers: He enables believers to overcome sin (Romans 8:11) and to serve and glorify Christ (Romans 8:9).
- Intercession: He intercedes for believers (Romans 8:26).
- Guidance and Teaching: He provides divine guidance (Mark 13:11 / Acts 15:28) and teaches us (John 14:26 / Luke 12:12)
- Reminding and Testifying: He reminds us of Jesus’ words (John 15:26) and testifies that we are God’s children (Romans 8:16).
- Conviction and Direction: The Spirit convicts us of sin (John 16:8) and leads us (Acts 13:4 and 16:6–7 / Rom. 8:14)
- Assurance and Security: He assures us of our salvation (Rom. 8:14-16) and seals us in Christ (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 4:30)
- Glorifying Christ: A key role of the Spirit is to bring glory to Christ (John 16:14)
In some modern church practices, there is often a misinterpretation or overemphasis on certain aspects of the Holy Spirit’s role, leading to misconceptions about His true nature and work. The authentic ministry of the Holy Spirit is not characterized by outward flamboyance but is often more subtle and transformative, akin to the growth of fruit.
Sadly, many people are unaware of the true purpose and power of His life-giving ministry, which is: to deliver sinners from death, give them everlasting life, regenerate their hearts, empower them for spiritual victory, confirm their place in God’s family, intercede for them based on God’s will, seal them for their eternal glory, and promise to raise them to eternal life on the last day.
The most important role of the Holy Spirit is to exalt Christ and bring praise to His name, convicting us of sin and revealing righteousness. As He conforms us to Christ’s image, His presence becomes the driving force behind our sanctification. Understanding the Holy Spirit’s work is essential for every believer. His daily presence is the key to our spiritual growth and alignment with God’s will.