What is Apologetics?

Last updated

Mar 28, 2019

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If you are wondering “Why should I have the answers to these questions? Or what is my role in knowing all of this?” The following would give you some understanding.

The word apologetics comes from the Greek word ‘apologia’ which means to give a defense or an answer.

Found in the following verse of the Bible:

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

15. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.

Always be prepared to give an answer (‘apologia’) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

But do this with gentleness and respect.

In simple terms, apologetics seeks to answer the questions that the world has about Christianity.

It is our obligation to be always prepared to give a defense for our beliefs. 

 So what are we defending against you may ask?

The use of apologetics involves clarifying the Christian position in light of misunderstandings and misrepresentations, answering objections, criticisms, or questions from non-Christians; and, in general, clearing any intellectual difficulties that non-believers claim to stand in the way of their coming to faith.

Many people have disregarded the need for having strong reasons for their belief which results in weak defensive arguments when posed with questions from non-believers.

We also need to be mindful that the apostle Peter also said we are to dialogue our reasons with gentleness and respect towards the person with whom we are sharing.Our role is not to judge or save any person, it is to share the gospel being the hands and feet of God, and it is up to Him to do the saving.

The intent of the apologist is not merely to win an intellectual argument, but to persuade people to commit their lives and eternal futures into the trust of the Son of God who died for them.

Lastly, apologetics not only provides a defense for the faith but also provides security to Christians. Believers can be sure their faith is not a blind leap into a dark chasm, but rather an intelligent decision founded on facts. Apologetics does not replace our faith; it grounds our faith.

Our role is not to judge, but to share the gospel.


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