What is faith?
Christianity is often referred to as a religion, but more accurately, it is called a “faith.” This designation highlights the central role of faith in the Christian life. Faith is not merely a blind belief in something unreasonable.
To call Christian faith “blind faith” is both demeaning to Christians and an outrage to God. The Bible speaks of faith as an antidote to blindness, not its cause. Faith calls people out of darkness into the light of God’s truth.
Faith as Trust:
At its core, faith means trust. Trusting God is not an act of unreasonable belief; rather, it is grounded in the recognition of God’s trustworthiness. God has demonstrated His faithfulness throughout history, giving ample reason for us to place our trust in Him.
Faith is distinct from credulity, which is believing something without sound reason. The Christian faith, is established on coherent reasoning and sound empirical evidence. As Peter writes, “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty” (2 Peter 1:16). Christianity rests on historical events and the testimony of those who witnessed them.
Biblical definition of faith:
The book of Hebrews defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). This means that we trust God for the future based on our faith in what He has accomplished in the past. Believing that God will continue to be trustworthy is grounded in the evidence of His past faithfulness.
Faith and the future:
We all walk into the future by faith and not by sight. Our best plans and projections are based on educated guesses, but the only solid evidence we have for our future is drawn from the promises of God. Faith provides evidence for things unseen, as we trust God for tomorrow based on His faithfulness today.
Faith and the existence of God
Faith includes believing in God’s existence, but this alone is not particularly praiseworthy. As James writes, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” (James 2:19). True Christian faith goes beyond mere belief in God’s existence; it involves trusting Him for our very lives and believing in His promises.
Faith illustrated in everyday life
Everyone lives by faith in various aspects of daily life, such as trusting that a parachute will open when you jump from an airplane or believing that the water from the faucet is safe to drink. This kind of faith is based on past experiences and the trustworthiness of systems and people.
However, saving faith is different. It is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Saving faith enables us to trust in the unseen God and Christ, whom we have never seen. This faith is supernatural and allows us to commit our lives to God and His purposes.
This supernatural faith is a gift that allows believers to trust in the unseen and love Christ deeply, even without having seen Him. It is the same faith that sustains believers through challenges and uncertainties, rooted in the assurance of God’s faithfulness and promises.
Faith and evidence
One of the critical aspects of Christian faith is its foundation in historical and empirical evidence. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, for instance, is a historical event witnessed by many.
The apostle Paul emphasizes this in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, where he recounts the appearances of the resurrected Christ to many witnesses. This historical grounding gives Christians confidence that their faith is not based on myths or mere speculation.
Faith and Works
An essential aspect of Christian faith is its relationship with works. James 2:17 states, “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” True faith manifests in actions that align with God’s will. This does not mean that works earn salvation, but rather that genuine faith naturally produces good works as its fruit.
Christian faith is not a blind leap into the unknown but a reasoned trust based on the evidence of God’s faithfulness. It is the foundation of the Christian life, enabling believers to trust God for the future, believe in His promises, and live in a way that honors Him.
This faith is a gift from God, transforming our lives and drawing us into a deeper relationship with Him. True faith is demonstrated in both trust and action, reflecting a life committed to God’s will and purposes.