Who is the Holy Spirit? & what is his True work?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead. He is equally holy and powerful as the Father and as gracious and loving as the Son.

Many modern churches have lost sight of the Holy Spirit’s divine majesty and reduced Him to an impersonal force and a harmless bird fluttering in the breeze.

It is true that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a dove during His baptism, but the Holy Spirit is not a dove. The Person of the Holy Spirit is the Omnipotent, Eternal, Holy, and Glorious Spirit of God.

  • There is no limit to His power: Luke 1:37
  • There is no escaping His presence: Psalm 139:7
  • His purity is a consuming fire: Hebrew 12:29
  • Those who test Him face severe judgement as in the days of Noah: 2 Peter 2:5
  • Those who lie to Him face the real possibility of death, as in the case of Ananias & Saphira: Acts 5:3-5
  • The Spirit came upon Samson when He killed 1,000 Philistines with a jawbone of a donkey: Judges 15:14-15

The True work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit’s main works in the lives of the believers are as follows:

  • Delivering sinners from death.
  • Providing everlasting life.
  • Regenerating hearts.
  • Transforming natures.
  • Providing spiritual empowerment
  • Confirming believers’ place in God’s family.
  • Interceding for believers according to the will of God.
  • The sealing of believers for their eternal glory.
  • Promising to raise believers to immortality.

John 15:26 (NKJV)

“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will “Testify of Me.” This is perhaps the most crucial role of the Holy Spirit in the redemptive plan of believers.

When the Holy Spirit becomes the focal point of the Church’s message, His true work is undermined. It is the Holy Spirit’s primary role to exalt Christ and to elicit praise for Christ from His people in a unique and personal way:

  1. Reproving and convicting us of our sins.
  2. By opening our eyes to righteousness.
  3. Holding us accountable to God.
  4. Providing us with an assurance of salvation.

The Holy Spirit, who played an active role in the creation of the universe (Genesis 1:2 / Psalm 104:30), is now focused on spiritual rebirth by regenerating sinners through the gospel of Jesus Christ and transforming them into children of God.

Subsequently, He sanctifies believers, prepares them for service, produces fruit in their lives, enabling them to please their Savior.

Last but not least, He prepares believers for life in heaven and secures them for eternal glory.

The same extraordinary power that brought the universe into existence out of nothing is the very force now working within the hearts of those redeemed by Christ. Just as creation itself was an unparalleled miracle, so too is the miracle of salvation. Through the Holy Spirit, those who were once lost and condemned to eternal separation are now made alive, granted salvation, and adopted as children of God.

Although the Holy Spirit works quietly, often behind the scenes, His work is profound and awe-inspiring. There is no need for theatrical displays or exaggerated manifestations to recognize His presence and power. The true work of the Holy Spirit is evident in every transformed life, every regenerated heart, and every believer sustained and empowered for eternal glory.

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