Why is there so much division over doctrine?

This is an incredibly pertinent question that we need to talk about before we begin discussing some of the topics listed in this book.

Why is there so much division over doctrine among Christians with the same Holy Spirit and the same available knowledge?

There is nothing more confusing to new believers, or even to unbelievers considering Christ’s teachings than to hear supposed mature Christians say contradictory things about the gospel, the Bible, or Christian living.

To help us understand this we will look at four basic reasons as to why there are differences.

Theological bias.

Some people may be influenced by their upbringing in a certain theological system and become indoctrinated by it over the course of their lives. In the process of believing something so passionately, people often find themselves defending it. So there is always a possibility that we may bring a theological bias from our background into the passage of scripture that we read. 

Lack of careful study.

This is something that we can all fall prey to on some level—failing to be diligent in our study of the Word of God. The reality is that deep study requires more than just reading Scripture; it involves digging into available resources to understand the context, interpretation, and practical application of biblical passages. Yet, people often shy away from the more tedious work of study. This includes engaging with commentaries that provide insights from seasoned theologians, reading Christian books that explore theological and practical aspects of faith, and listening to sermons or podcasts that unpack Scripture and relate it to everyday life. With the wealth of material at our disposal—whether written, spoken, or online—there is little excuse for not investing in a thorough understanding of God’s Word. 

The absence of conclusive information.

Due to the limitations of our finite mind and the lack of information available to us (or revealed to us) to fully understand God’s mind, there may be certain missing links to help us conclude on certain topics. Consequently, we can only draw conclusions regarding particular issues based on the information available to us. 

This limited understanding plays a role in why there are so many denominations today. Since Christians interpret Scripture through the lens of finite knowledge, doctrinal differences often arise. Different groups emphasize different aspects of Scripture to fill in gaps where complete clarity is lacking, resulting in various interpretations and practices. Thus, the existence of multiple denominations reflects the diverse ways in which believers attempt to faithfully live out biblical teachings, each according to their understanding of the information available to them.


We all have various traditions as to why we believe and behave in a certain way. When people have believed in something for so long it becomes part of their inherent pre-conceived notions and presuppositions which may be very hard to change. 


In summary, the divisions over doctrine among Christians stem from several core influences: theological biases, a lack of diligent study, the limitations of human understanding, and ingrained traditions. These factors shape how believers interpret Scripture, contributing to the formation of diverse denominations.

Despite these denominational differences, the core tenets of the Christian faith—such as belief in Christ’s divinity, His death and resurrection, and salvation through faith—remain intact and unite believers across the broader Christian faith.

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