If God is so loving, why then, is the path to heaven so narrow?
If God is so loving, why is the Christian path to heaven so narrow?
This question can be further elaborated by another question “why is the Christian path so narrow, and why does it not include many who think they are right in their own consciences?”
In order to answer this question, we must first understand why so many religious beliefs exist and why they have conflicting views of God. This diversity is because of Satan’s intention to deceive souls, preventing them from hearing and understanding the true gospel.
Even if you have a legal currency note, counterfeit currency will always exist. Similarly, while counterfeit religions may seem right in people’s minds, they are only replicas made by Satan to divert attention from the true God.
What is fascinating about the Christian path to heaven is that while it is narrow it is a road full of mercy and grace. Contrary to being restrictive, the Christian path is inclusive in its call for faith in Jesus Christ.
In fact, if the Christian path had been overly restrictive, it would have included many burdensome requirements to reach heaven, such as stringent laws to follow, monetary contributions, or deeds to perform to escape a caste system for example and so on.
However, Christianity does not demand these; it offers salvation freely through faith in Jesus Christ.
Comparing worldviews
Take, for example, the pantheistic worldview (with its caste system). In this system, there is no opportunity for individuals to change their predetermined path. They are ultimately at the mercy of the universe to settle their karmic debt. Such a path, with no avenue for liberation should be considered restrictive and narrow.
This is in stark contrast to Christianity, which offers freedom and hope to all who put their faith in Him, regardless of their background.
As far as Christianity is concerned, Jesus’ statement that He will not cast out anyone who comes to Him (John 6:37) is indicative of an inclusive path. It simply points out that all who put their trust in Him can enter the gates of heaven. The narrowness lies only in the fact that we cannot create our own truths or tailor religion to our preferences.
Bible says God is one, and His provision (His salvation) is one. By turning away from His provision, we are, in effect, not submitting to the generosity of God but becoming narrow in our decision-making.
The path prescribed in the Bible is not restrictive at all; rather, it is a road filled with God’s prevenient grace and is a free gift for the entire world to receive as the apostle John perfectly records;
John 3:16 (NKJV)
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.