What is the difference between God and Satan

What is the difference between God and Satan

Difference between the powers of God & satan.

Last Updated

Aug 20, 2020

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

The Bible sometimes uses the same words (sign, wonders, power) used to describe the miracles of God and the power of satan.

Revelation 16:14 (NKJV)

For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 (NKJV)

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,

So do they have the same powers?

The devil is a created being and therefore, has only limited power.

Although Satan has great spiritual powers, there is a vast difference between the power of the devil and the power of God.

In conclusion, all the power that the devil has is given to him by God and is carefully limited and monitored.

But what truly matters is that Christ defeated the devil and has triumphed over him and over all his followers:

Colossians 2:15 (NKJV)

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. 

In doing so Christ has giving power to His people to be victorious over demonic forces. Thus, John informed believers:

1 John 4:4 (NKJV)

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.


Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Colossians 2:15 (NKJV)


What is the difference between God and Satan

The Bible sometimes uses the same words (sign, wonders, power) used to describe the miracles of God to the power of demons.

Did God create Hell

loving god send people to hell?

It is worth noting that God does not create hell. He does not wish for people to be separated from Him, and, therefore it is a status that people determine/choose for themselves.

Difference between heaven and hell

What is difference between Heaven and hell?

Christians believe that Hell is separation from God. However, non-believers claim that regardless of how messed up the world is we are still surviving; therefore, hell might not be such a bad thing after all.

hell fire eternal damnation

What is Hell in a Nutshell?

Jesus Himself spoke about hell more than any person in the Bible.

what is heaven like

What is Heaven like?

There are a few details mentioned about Heaven in the scriptures, and we get a clear picture of it through a progressive revelation in the Bible.

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

Justification, Sanctification and Glorification?

Post Date

Jun 29, 2020

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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A quick overview of the 3 phases is as follows; 

Justification – we have been saved from the penalty of sin
Sanctification – we are being saved from the power of sin
Glorification – we will be saved from the presence of sin

Justification – Past tense – positional – Our position in Christ
Sanctification – Present tense -progressive – My condition is becoming like christ
Glorification – Future tense – Permanent – My expectation is to be like Christ.

The following are two pictures that would give you a quick overview of these three phases. 


When we are justified, we are completely forgiven for all sin and clothed positionally before God with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This happens when we hear the gospel and believe. 

It is a one-time event and is either a yes or no. In other words, you cannot be 30%, or 50%, or 90% justified, it is all or nothing. God forgives us completely.

It is a free gift given to all believers in Christ; we do not work for it. Our part is only to have faith; we do not have the ability to justify or save ourselves.

At the same moment that we are justified, we are also adopted into God’s family and become children of God. Justification, if real, will always lead to sanctification and glorification.

While we don’t work at all for our own justification, amazingly, God calls us to work with Him in leading others to justification. We do this by sharing the good news about Jesus, and through prayer and by the example of our lives. Only God can justify people, but He uses us in the process of sharing the gospel. When people hear the gospel and believe, they are justified by God.

When a person is justified, then the work of sanctification begins in that born again life.

It is the fruit that springs from the root of justification.

Click to view Bible verses on Justification

Romans 3:28 (ESV) For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

Romans 5:1 (ESV)Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:1 (ESV) There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 2:16 (ESV) yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.


Sanctification is a life long progressive growth of a Christian by obedience to God through the power of the Spirit. It is the process of becoming more and more like Jesus!. Sanctification is a growth into righteousness while putting sin to death. You will grow in your sanctification process, but you will not be perfect in this life.  

Our sanctification is often a messy, we can have times when we take steps forward and yet have days when we fall, but over time by God’s grace we make progress. 

Our sanctification is only possible by God’s grace and His power working in us. Our Spirit-enabled effort can make sanctification go forward more quickly, or a lack of effort can cause us to be stuck. Progress in sanctification is evidence that justification has occurred and gives us confidence in our salvation. But in sanctification, we still constantly need grace. And God gives us the grace we need in Christ!

A huge amount of the Bible is about sanctification. All of the verses teaching and urging us not to sin are related to sanctification, which includes commands to love others as God has loved us. 

The new birth is a radical change in the heart of a person, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5:17) If a person has no evidence of sanctification, then we have the right and the duty to question whether there has been a work of justification. Bishop JC Ryle boldly stated, “Tell me not of your justification unless you also have some marks of sanctification.” So, if you have been truly justified, you will be undergoing the process of sanctification right now.

Click to view Bible verses on Sanctification

Romans 6:19 (ESV) I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.

Philippians 2:12-13 (NIV) 12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 (NIV) It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;


Glorification; instantaneous transformation of the believers by the power of God into a perfectly moral and physical being eternally living in God’s presence in heaven.

It happens when we are resurrected in our new bodies, and it will last forever. All the effects of sin will be erased. We will be wholly sanctified, and no longer sin or even want to sin. Every one will be as loving, true, faithful, kind, good, and pure as Jesus Himself. 

Click to view Bible verses on Glorification

Romans 8:16-17 (ESV) The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs– heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.

2 Corinthians 4:17 (ESV) For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.

Philippians 3:21 (NIV) who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

Revelation 21:4 (NIV) ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Philippians 1:6 (NIV) being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


God saves us by His grace. God gives us His Spirit to help us become more like Him. God will finish the good work that He has begun in everyone who believes. 

Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.




How can I know if I am one of the elect?

This question is prevalent among believers who have read about the doctrine of election and are mainly guided by a sense of doubt and fear as they wonder if God did in fact, choose them.

What are the signs that I have been saved?

This is one of the core questions every believer may ask themselves one day.
The Bible tells us that we should examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith:

What does it mean to be saved?

The scriptures speak about salvation as having a past, present, and future.

I am saved, what’s next?

The gift of eternal life does not free us from serving God and knowing more about Him. The main purpose of our being – to know Him and to make Him known.

What if I was not born in a Christian family?

Atheists usually raise this question claiming that Christians who believe in God are merely doing so because they were born into that family or environment.

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

lets have a quick overview of the 3 phases is as follows.

can a christian be saved by works?

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

The Bible says that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
This statement has caused many to ask about those who did not have the opportunity to know the good news of Jesus. Would they be condemned to hell? Just because they never heard?

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but instead, it depicts what took place in salvation. Baptism is a beautiful act of obedience to God’s word, and every Christian should be baptized post-salvation.

What does it mean to remain in Christ?

The writers in the new testament constantly warn the churches and the readers to remain in Christ.

can a christian be saved by works?

can a christian be saved by works?

Can a christian be saved by works?

Post Date

May 25, 2020

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

But can we actually be saved by any works? The answer is Yes! …but ONLY by the finished works of Jesus Christ on the Cross. There are no good works humans on their own can do to earn a spot in heaven.

If Christians were able to earn their own salvation based on their good deeds, then Jesus would have died in vain.

However, does this mean that we should completely disregard good works? The answer is no – as Christians, we believe that Jesus saves us by Grace, but we are expected to do good works.

The theologian Augustine puts it best where he says “we are not saved by faith plus works but rather saved by a faith that works.”

James, the apostle, also quotes:

James 2:17 (NIV)

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Martin Luther also puts it in a great way when he said: “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone” and, this is the evidence of our changed lives.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and acknowledge His finished work for us, we allow him to get on the inside and change our affections for Him so much that we want to serve Him, live for Him, love Him and do good deeds.  But the acts we do are all empowered by His spirit.

In conclusion, a Christian is not saved by his ‘own’ works, but is redeemed through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

a Christian is not saved by his ‘own’ works, but is redeemed through the finished work of Jesus Christ.



How can I know if I am one of the elect?

This question is prevalent among believers who have read about the doctrine of election and are mainly guided by a sense of doubt and fear as they wonder if God did in fact, choose them.

What are the signs that I have been saved?

This is one of the core questions every believer may ask themselves one day.
The Bible tells us that we should examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith:

What does it mean to be saved?

The scriptures speak about salvation as having a past, present, and future.

I am saved, what’s next?

The gift of eternal life does not free us from serving God and knowing more about Him. The main purpose of our being – to know Him and to make Him known.

What if I was not born in a Christian family?

Atheists usually raise this question claiming that Christians who believe in God are merely doing so because they were born into that family or environment.

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

lets have a quick overview of the 3 phases is as follows.

can a christian be saved by works?

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

The Bible says that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
This statement has caused many to ask about those who did not have the opportunity to know the good news of Jesus. Would they be condemned to hell? Just because they never heard?

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but instead, it depicts what took place in salvation. Baptism is a beautiful act of obedience to God’s word, and every Christian should be baptized post-salvation.

What does it mean to remain in Christ?

The writers in the new testament constantly warn the churches and the readers to remain in Christ.

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

What about those who have never heard about Jesus?

Last Updated

Jul 23, 2021

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

The Bible says that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ. 

This statement has caused people to ask about those who did not have the opportunity to know the good news of Jesus.

Would they be condemned to hell? Just because they never heard?

Since the Bible says that God is a just God, He will judge individuals based on the light (knowledge and revelation of the truth) that they would have received.

Therefore, by nature, God will not hold anybody responsible for something they have never heard before. 

So what is this light? God has given light to everyone, and those who respond to the light will receive more light. 


  • He has given us the light of creation through which we might know that there is a wise and powerful God. Romans 1 speaks about how vast and intricate creation is, which can only be explained by a creator. 


  • He has given us the light of conscience to know that there is a moral God. Romans 2 speaks about how the law of God is written on our hearts and that we inherently know what is good and evil.

So if the biblical account is accurate, then by creation and conscience alone, everybody can know that there is a God.

This means that if anybody responds to the general revelation that they already have and believe in God’s existence, He will find a way to get the gospel to them. 

God is not far from us (be it in the busy cities or isolated villages); we only need to trust and seek Him with all our hearts. 

Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Throughout history and the Bible, God has proven to bypass the human mechanisms to speak to men and women. He does this via public proclaimers, prophets in biblical times and during our current age through television, media, blogs, etc.

As a result, people now more than ever can know about Jesus through various channels or mediums without ever having come into contact with a church or a preacher.

Even Jesus commanded His disciples to carry out the gospel to every nation. By the end of the first century, it was preached in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Now in the 21st century, the Bible has been translated into every major language. 

I do not believe that anybody would stand before God and say if only I had more information, then I would have believed.  

Although there is a vast amount of content and scripture available, it all boils down to the individual’s intent of the heart to cry out to God, saying ‘I Need You.’ Then, he would gladly reveal Christ to you.

But on the flip side, if somebody rejects natural revelation by creation or conscience, as mentioned above, God is not obligated to get that person any further information as they refused what God has already revealed about Himself. 

If you are one of those who have stumbled on this answer, then guess what? You are not one of those who have not heard, you have heard, and you do know, and you have the evidence of the gospels claim open to you about Jesus claiming to be God and His free gift of salvation for you.

Nobody would stand before God one day and say if only I had more information, then I would have believed.



How can I know if I am one of the elect?

This question is prevalent among believers who have read about the doctrine of election and are mainly guided by a sense of doubt and fear as they wonder if God did in fact, choose them.

What are the signs that I have been saved?

This is one of the core questions every believer may ask themselves one day.
The Bible tells us that we should examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith:

What does it mean to be saved?

The scriptures speak about salvation as having a past, present, and future.

I am saved, what’s next?

The gift of eternal life does not free us from serving God and knowing more about Him. The main purpose of our being – to know Him and to make Him known.

What if I was not born in a Christian family?

Atheists usually raise this question claiming that Christians who believe in God are merely doing so because they were born into that family or environment.

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

lets have a quick overview of the 3 phases is as follows.

can a christian be saved by works?

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

The Bible says that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
This statement has caused many to ask about those who did not have the opportunity to know the good news of Jesus. Would they be condemned to hell? Just because they never heard?

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but instead, it depicts what took place in salvation. Baptism is a beautiful act of obedience to God’s word, and every Christian should be baptized post-salvation.

What does it mean to remain in Christ?

The writers in the new testament constantly warn the churches and the readers to remain in Christ.

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Last Updated

May 26, 2020

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

God Is Truth

Jeremiah 10:10 (ESV)
But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.

God is Light

1 John 1:5  (ESV)
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

God is Love

1 John 4:8 (ESV)
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

God Is Infinite

Psalm 147:5  (ESV)
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.

God is All Knowing

1 John 3:20 (ESV)
20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything

God is Everywhere

Psalm 139:7-12 (ESV)
7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.

God is Unequaled

Isaiah 40:25 (ESV)
25 To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? says the Holy One.

God Is Perfect

1 Kings 8:27 (ESV)
“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built!

God Is Invisible

1 Timothy 1:17 (ESV)
17 To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

God Is Without Limit

Jeremiah 23:23-24 (ESV)
23 “Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? 24 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

God Is Eternal

Psalm 90:2 (ESV)
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

God Is Incomprehensible

Romans 11:33 (ESV)

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

God Is The Almighty One

Revelation 1:8 (ESV)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

God Is Most Wise

Jude 25 (ESV)
to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen

God Is Most Holy

Revelation 4:8 (ESV)
And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

God Is Gracious

Exodus 33:19 (ESV)
And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.

God Is Merciful

Exodus 34:6 (ESV)
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,

God Is Long-suffering

Exodus 34:6 (ESV)
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,

God Is Forgiving

Daniel 9:9 (ESV)
To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him

That is just a glimpse of who God is?

And This God… IS for you… IS with you… and IS in love with you.

This God... IS for you... IS with you... and IS in love with you.


Who is God?

Here are few examples of who God is. His nature and everything about Him.

love satan?

If we are to love our enemies, should not God also love Satan?

The Bible tells us to forgive and pray for our enemies. Does this mean the same for God? Will God ever forgive Satan?

Create satan

Did God create Satan? And if so why does He not just get rid of him?

The Bible tells us that God is love, gentle, kind and just. If so how could a God like this create Satan who is evil?

loving allow suffering

Why would a loving God allow suffering?

This question distinguishes between two characteristics of love and suffering. However, it can be misleading as it assumes that God had inherently prepared for a world for pain and sickness. This is not true.

God change his mind

Does God change His mind?

No. God does not go back on His promises nor does He tell us something one day and something different the next. Unlike us, God can always be trusted to keep His Word.

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Is Baptism necessary for salvation?

Post Date

Jul 23, 2021

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

Christians are commanded that once they accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, they should immerse themselves in the act of Baptism.

This act symbolizes dying to old sin or past life and being renewed in a new life with Christ. 

The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptizmo, which means to dip/immerse or plunge. Therefore, when Christians are baptized, they identify with Christ’s death and burial when they immerse into the water and then His resurrection when they come out of the water.

Baptism is not a necessary component for salvation, but it is a good outward expression of what takes place inside during our salvation, e.g., like a wedding ring, which is merely an outward sign of an inward commitment.

What is essential for our salvation is a simple, sincere, and humble expression of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Acts 16:31 (NKJV)

So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Baptism is also a beautiful act of obedience to God’s word, and every Christian should be baptized once they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. However, Jesus most certainly taught His followers that it should be an outward manifestation of a changed heart.

In conclusion, if you genuinely believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation, you should have no reason to question in obeying the act of waters of Baptism. Therefore, I would urge and encourage all believers to get baptized because we are commanded to.

Q. But didn’t Peter say that Baptism is essential to salvation? 

Acts 2:38 (NKJV)

Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Many groups use this verse to teach that baptism is essential for salvation. Yet Paul clearly distinguishes between baptism and the gospel ascribing to the gospel as having the power to save;

1 Corinthians 1:17 (NKJV)

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect


Romans 1:16 (NKJV)

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.

Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but instead, it depicts what took place in salvation. Baptism is a beautiful act of obedience to God's word, and every Christian should be baptized post-salvation.



How can I know if I am one of the elect?

This question is prevalent among believers who have read about the doctrine of election and are mainly guided by a sense of doubt and fear as they wonder if God did in fact, choose them.

What are the signs that I have been saved?

This is one of the core questions every believer may ask themselves one day.
The Bible tells us that we should examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith:

What does it mean to be saved?

The scriptures speak about salvation as having a past, present, and future.

I am saved, what’s next?

The gift of eternal life does not free us from serving God and knowing more about Him. The main purpose of our being – to know Him and to make Him known.

What if I was not born in a Christian family?

Atheists usually raise this question claiming that Christians who believe in God are merely doing so because they were born into that family or environment.

Justification, Sanctification & Glorification?

lets have a quick overview of the 3 phases is as follows.

can a christian be saved by works?

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

What about those who have not heard about Jesus?

The Bible says that salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
This statement has caused many to ask about those who did not have the opportunity to know the good news of Jesus. Would they be condemned to hell? Just because they never heard?

Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but instead, it depicts what took place in salvation. Baptism is a beautiful act of obedience to God’s word, and every Christian should be baptized post-salvation.

What does it mean to remain in Christ?

The writers in the new testament constantly warn the churches and the readers to remain in Christ.

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