What does it mean when the Bible calls us priests

What does it mean when the Bible calls us priests?

Last Updated

Feb 16, 2025

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

As described in this scripture, all believers in Christ are called to fulfill priestly duties. But what does this entail?

In contrast to the Old Testament, where a priestly class interceded between God and people, the New Testament introduces a transformative concept: the priesthood of all believers. Now, through Christ’s victory on the cross, every Christian has direct access to God, a privilege once limited to Levitical priests.

Being a priest in the Christian sense isn’t about conducting religious rituals. Instead, it involves living a life of service and worship and representing God to the world. As priests, believers are called to bring others to God, sharing the Gospel and demonstrating God’s love and grace.

Hebrews 4:16 emphasizes the access we have under the new covenant: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” This boldness in approaching God is a radical shift from the Old Testament practice and signifies our intimate relationship with God through Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:18-21 NKJV)

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

The above scripture outlines our role in the ministry of reconciliation, indicating that Christians are ambassadors for Christ, tasked with reconciling the world to God. This ministry is at the heart of our priestly role – it’s not about religious ceremonies but about sharing the transformative power of the Gospel.

As part of our priestly duties, we have the responsibility and privilege to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. This sharing is an extension of God’s grace and mercy and a vital aspect of our calling as a royal priesthood.

In summary, being called priests in the New Testament context means embracing a life of service, worship, and Gospel proclamation. It’s about being a bridge between God and the world, fulfilling our role in the great commission of reconciliation through Jesus Christ.

As a royal priesthood, believers are called to worship, serve, and proclaim the Gospel, reconciling the world to God through Christ.

what does it mean Christianity is a relationship, not a religion?

What does it mean when said, “Christianity is relationship and not a religion?”

Last Updated

Feb 15, 2025

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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The Christian faith is often described as a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus, rather than a religion. But what does this mean?

In general terms, ‘religion’ is seen as humans striving to reach up to God to become acceptable to Him. In stark contrast, Christianity presents a paradigm where God reaches down to humanity.

It is God who initiates this relationship, not us. As stated in 1 John 4:19 (NKJV), “We love because He first loved us.” This verse signifies that God’s love precedes and enables our love for Him.

In His relationship with us, God sets a higher standard of love than what we typically know. John 15:13 (NKJV) says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” This verse speaks volumes about the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ love and His ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

Following Jesus’ death and resurrection, the need for religious rituals to cleanse sin was abolished. Having a relationship with God transcends  common ritualistic spiritual behavior seen in other world religions. False religions are often tethered to strenuous rituals and traditions that make faith merely a chore rather than something to cherish.

We do not get to heaven because we are tagged as Christian. Rather, it is through a personal relationship with God, made possible through belief in Jesus Christ.

On a side note, God did not just become loving when He created humanity. The Scriptures state that “He is love”, it is part of His very being. This is possible because of the concept of the Trinity (1 God in 3 distinct persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). In the Trinity there has always existed a loving relationship/community within the Godhead.

God now invites us into this community to fellowship and spend  an eternity with Him. If you are seeking a relationship with the creator of the universe, the Christian Faith and the Lord Jesus Christ offer a path not just to a religion, but to a life-transforming relationship.

Christianity is not about religion but a relationship—God reaching down to us through Jesus Christ in love.

Are Christians extremists in their beliefs?

Are Christians extremists in their beliefs?

Last Updated

Feb 15, 2025

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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It is not uncommon for Christians to be branded as ‘extremists’ for claiming that the only way to Heaven is through faith alone in Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. Christians say this is based on Jesus’ statement;

John 14:6 (NKJV)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

The idea that heaven is exclusive to Christians, which some may view as ‘extreme’, is not exclusive to the Christian faith.

A comparative study of major world religions reveals that they all contain elements of exclusivity. Each religion holds onto certain fundamentals that, if not adhered to, are believed to result in spiritual danger. Christianity is not unique in asserting a singular path to salvation.

Contrary to perceptions of narrowness, Christianity is one of the most inclusive religions. In that it embraces everyone, regardless of their background, culture, or past, and its followers are called to reach out to all people. John 3:16  emphasizes this inclusivity

John 3:16 (NKJV)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Christianity can however be ‘extreme’ in the sense of the profound and radical nature of God’s love that He sent His only Son as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of humanity, a concept that embodies extreme sacrifice and unconditional love.

In conclusion, while Christianity makes an exclusive claim about the path to salvation, it is an invitation extended to all, grounded in a message of radical love and grace. The perception of extremism may arise from misunderstanding the nature of this claim, which is less about excluding others and more about offering a transformative message of hope and redemption to all those who would believe.

Christianity’s exclusive claim to salvation is rooted in God’s radical love, offering grace and redemption to all who believe.

Do all roads lead to God?

Do all roads lead to God?

Last Updated

Feb 15, 2025

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Many people believe that God / Heaven can be reached through many different paths or religions, a belief known as universalism.

In short, universalism asserts that each religion has a specific roadmap, and if you follow that path, it will eventually lead you to God, it is like climbing a mountain with many path all eventually  leading to the top.

But does universalism have any truth to it? I believe not because each religion, at its core, has certain fundamental beliefs that are contradictory to the nature & character of God and what He expects from us.

Despite the fact that all religions claim to worship a God and acknowledge His existence, they do not speak of the same God. All religions are only superficially the same but fundamentally they are different.

While respecting another person’s religious faith is noble, there is a much higher issue at stake here – the question of truth. While everyone might be sincere about their religious beliefs, they could still be sincerely wrong.

According to the Bible, truth is a matter of life-or-death, and can set us free (John 8:32).

Additionally, some argue that all religions teach good moral ethics, therefore they are similar. However, Christianity goes further by stating that God does a supernatural work of making spiritually dead people alive. Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5, NKJV). This spiritual rebirth is unique to Christian teaching.

How does one become spiritually alive? The answer is only through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death. When we trust in Christ, our sins are attributed to Him, and His righteousness is attributed to us. His righteousness justifies us (so we have a right standing before God) and enables us to be indwelled with the Holy Spirit, making us spiritually alive.2 Corinthians 5:21 (NKJV)

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

In conclusion, it isn’t difficult to see how different religions teach us different ideas about God. If Jesus was right (as Christians believe), others are wrong and cannot lead to the same truth or God. We must let the truth speak for itself.

All religions are not the same—only Jesus offers the truth, righteousness, and spiritual life needed to reach God.

If God is so loving, why then, is the path to heaven so narrow?

If God is so loving, why is the Christian path to heaven so narrow?

Last Updated

Feb 15, 2025

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This question can be further elaborated by another question “why is the Christian path so narrow, and why does it not include many who think they are right in their own consciences?”

In order to answer this question, we must first understand why so many religious beliefs exist and why they have conflicting views of God. This diversity is because of Satan’s intention to deceive souls, preventing them from hearing and understanding the true gospel.

Even if you have a legal currency note, counterfeit currency will always exist. Similarly, while counterfeit religions may seem right in people’s minds, they are only replicas made by Satan to divert attention from the true God.

What is fascinating about the Christian path to heaven is that while it is narrow it is a road full of mercy and grace. Contrary to being restrictive, the Christian path is inclusive in its call for faith in Jesus Christ.

In fact, if the Christian path had been overly restrictive, it would have included many burdensome requirements to reach heaven, such as stringent laws to follow, monetary contributions, or deeds to perform to escape a caste system for example and so on.

However, Christianity does not demand these; it offers salvation freely through faith in Jesus Christ.

Comparing worldviews

Take, for example, the pantheistic worldview (with its caste system). In this system, there is no opportunity for individuals to change their predetermined path. They are ultimately at the mercy of the universe to settle their karmic debt. Such a path, with no avenue for liberation should be considered restrictive and narrow.

This is in stark contrast to Christianity, which offers freedom and hope to all who put their faith in Him, regardless of their background.

As far as Christianity is concerned, Jesus’ statement that He will not cast out anyone who comes to Him (John 6:37) is indicative of an inclusive path. It simply points out that all who put their trust in Him  can enter the gates of heaven. The narrowness lies only in the fact that we cannot create our own truths or tailor religion to our preferences.

Bible says God is one, and His provision (His salvation) is one. By turning away from His provision, we are, in effect, not submitting to the generosity of God but becoming narrow in our decision-making.

The path prescribed in the Bible is not restrictive at all; rather, it is a road filled with God’s prevenient grace and is a free gift for the entire world to receive as the apostle John perfectly records;

John 3:16 (NKJV)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Christian path is narrow in truth but wide in grace—offering salvation freely to all who believe in Christ.

Why Christianity?

Why Christianity?

Last Updated

Feb 15, 2025

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In a world filled with religions, many people often ask, “why Christianity?” What makes the Christian faith unique? Here are some key aspects that set Christianity apart.

Christianity is testable: 

Unlike many other religions, Christianity stands out because it is based on absolute truth and is open to investigation. The claims of Christianity are rooted in historical events that can be examined and verified.

We have extensive manuscript evidence that supports the reliability of the biblical texts, and archaeological discoveries continually confirm the events recorded in the Bible. For instance, finds like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pool of Bethesda, and inscriptions mentioning Pontius Pilate all validate the historical accuracy of Scripture. Additionally, non-Christian historical sources, such as writings by Tacitus and Josephus, also reference Jesus and the early Christian movement, further supporting the authenticity of the Christian faith.

    Jesus claimed to be God:  

    One of the most distinguishing features of Christianity is Jesus’ claim to divinity. Jesus did not merely point the way to God; He declared that He was God Himself. He performed miracles, forgave sins, and ultimately proved His divine nature through His resurrection—an event witnessed by hundreds and well-documented both within and outside the Bible.

    No other religious leader in history claimed to be divine in the way that Jesus did. His statements, such as “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30) and “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9), affirm His identity as God. Jesus’ resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian belief, providing undeniable evidence of His power over life and death.

      The Bible:  

      Christianity is grounded in the Bible, which stands as the most substantiated religious text in history. It is the only religious authority that claims to be the revealed Word of God and demonstrates its divine inspiration through fulfilled prophecy, historical accuracy, and internal consistency.

      Prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament, such as those found in Isaiah and Psalms, were fulfilled precisely in the life of Jesus Christ. The Bible’s consistency across 66 books, written by over 40 authors from different backgrounds and times, further testifies to its supernatural origin. No other religious text has been preserved, scrutinized, or validated to the same extent as the Bible.


        Another key distinction of Christianity is its message of grace. While other religions require adherents to earn their way to salvation through good works, rituals, or moral behavior, Christianity offers salvation as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ.

        This emphasis on grace means that Christians do not strive for salvation through their own efforts but live in response to the gift of grace they have received. Salvation is not earned; it’s freely given through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This assurance of salvation provides a peace that no other religion offers.

          Cultural and Historical impact  

          Christianity’s influence extends far beyond religious belief; it has significantly shaped the course of human history. Its principles have influenced art, literature, law, and human rights, laying the foundation for much of Western civilization. The abolition of slavery, the promotion of women’s rights, and the establishment of hospitals and educational institutions are just a few examples of Christianity’s positive impact on society.

          The moral and ethical teachings of Christianity have guided societies for centuries, advocating for the dignity and worth of every individual. No other religion has had such a profound impact on the world’s cultural and historical landscape.


            Above all, Christianity is about a personal relationship with the Creator, not just following a set of rules or rituals. Unlike man-made religions where individuals strive to reach God through their efforts, Christianity teaches that God reached down to humanity through Jesus Christ.

            This relationship is not based on human merit but on God’s love and grace. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit allows believers to experience God’s presence, guidance, and love on a daily basis, making Christianity not just a religion but a transformative personal experience.


              Christianity is unique among world religions because it is testable, grounded in historical evidence, and based on the claims of a Savior who not only taught about God but proved He was God. The Bible stands unmatched as the divinely inspired Word of God, with fulfilled prophecies that validate its authenticity. Christianity offers salvation as a free gift, transforming lives through grace rather than human effort. Its influence on culture, history, and individual lives is unparalleled, and it offers a personal relationship with God that goes beyond religious duty.

              So why Christianity? Because it answers life’s deepest questions, offers a secure hope, and invites you into a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe.

              What will you do with this truth, and how will you share the gospel with those around you?

                Christianity stands unique—rooted in history, centered on grace, and offering a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

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