What does the Bible say about the age of the earth?

What does the bible say about the age of the earth?

Post Date

Jun 18, 2021

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First off, there are essentials to the Christian faith we should believe in, like; Jesus being God in human flesh, salvation through faith in Christ, the virgin birth, and that God is Triune in nature. 

Apart from these essentials, there are other issues that Christians can disagree on, and one of those issues is the age of the earth.

There are spirit-filled Bible-believing Christians who are persuaded that the earth is young and likewise others who believe that the earth is old.

Both sides have their explaining to do with regards to the science supporting the text, but this is an issue that Christians can disagree upon as an ‘in-house’ disagreement and not one that we should divide over. 

Whether you are a young or old earth creationist, it all comes down to how you interpret the creation days in Genesis. 

If the days in Genesis were consecutive 24-Hour periods, and if the earth was created on the first day – then adding dates as per the biblical genealogies reveals that the earth was created only thousands of years ago. 

If the days were indeterminate or nonconsecutive in length, then the Bible does not reveal when the earth was created. 

Both sides agree that the genealogies of Adam and Eve exist only thousands of years ago. 

    Young-earth creationists (YCs) interpret the days as 24-hour, consecutive periods for the following reasons; 

    • The days in Genesis 1 are consecutively numbered and comprised of an “evening and morning.”
    • Exodus 20:8-11 commands a literal week of six days of work and one day of rest based on God’s original creation/rest week. The weeks would seem then to be of equal duration. 
    • According to Romans 5:12, “sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,” but old-earth creationism would have animal death entering the world before the sin of Adam and Eve. 

    Old earth creationists (OCs) argue against 24-hour creation days for reasons such as these;

    • The Hebrew word for “day” (Yom) is used in different ways in the creation account, which can vary based on interpretation in the text in context when translated. For instance, Genesis 1:5 refers to Yom only as daytime (daylight), not nighttime. Also, Genesis 2:4, literally translated, speaks of ‘the Yom that the Lord God made the earth and heavens.”
    • God’s rest on the seventh “day” has no evening and morning. Genesis 2:2-3 and Heb 4:3-11 portray this same Sabbath as continuing to the present time. 
    • Adam could not have named all the birds and animals in 24 hours, according to Genesis 2.

    Both sides believe they have strong arguments favoring their interpretation when rebutting each other.

    Some YCs accuse OCs of compromising the Bible with evolutionary science. Some OCs charge YCs with undermining biblical credibility by generating false conflict between science and the scriptures. 

    Another good example to compare the two sides is in explaining the existence of dinosaurs. 

    Both sides explain dinosaurs differently. 

    The OCs believers use standard scientific dating stating the dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago, and a comet or some other phenomenon wiped out their existence. 

    Young Earthers have a problem with the standard scientific carbon dating as they believe that the earth is 10,000 or 12,000 years old. So they would account for dinosaurs by saying that they lived with humans and were also on the ark with Noah. In addition, they state that the only type of animal that does not stop growing is a reptile, and considering human beings lived for around 600 to 900 years before the flood; the assumption is asserted that the rest of the animals also had a longer lifespan and would have been massive in size. 

    There is no stance that I will make right here, but there are two options that are presented to you, and you can decide what you think best fits the biblical understanding. Either way, the existence of dinosaurs poses no threats to the Christian faith any more than young or old earth poses for God as the Creator.

    As stated earlier, the essentials of the faith matter.

    On Judgment day, God will not ask you whether you believed in a young earth or old earth or in the dinosaurs. But what matters is if you accepted and put your trust in His son Jesus Christ who came to this world to redeem mankind.

    On Judgment day, God will not ask you whether you believed in a young earth or old earth or in the dinosaurs. But what matters is if you accepted and put your trust in His son Jesus Christ who came to this world to redeem mankind.


    What is the gospel?

    This question is, without a doubt, the most crucial question in this book because it has eternal implications for those who either receive it or reject it.
    This is the gospel message.

    How do we deal with the Ravi Zacharias scandal?

    Many people are deeply saddened by the news of the ravi zacharias scandal. But how should we deal with this?

    COVID-19 Christian Battle Plan

    COVID-19 Christian Battle Plan

    Post Date

    Mar 21, 2020

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    The COVID-19 virus has caused a lot of distress and fear in the world and among many Christians.

    So how are we to respond as Christians?

    Here are a few things to consider.

    The Bible

    Use your free time at home to get closer to God by reading His word.
    The Bible is God’s written words that reveal to us His nature and His eternal plan for our salvation. We can also learn more about the effects of sin in the world and our need for a Savior.

    The Government

    The government is ordained by God.

    Romans 13:1 (NIV)
    “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

     Therefore, we are required to respect the measures, laws, and directives that have been given by them.
    Pray especially for wisdom for the leaders to make the right decisions to control the spread of the virus and to manage the economy during these stressful times.  

    Medical teams

    Trust in the medical teams that God has provided.
    Pray for protection, endurance, strength, and wisdom for those in the front line fighting the virus.

    Keep Faith not Fear

    God has promised to protect you, and He will do just that.
    Don’t give in to the plans of the enemy.
    At the same time, we have to be wise about our choices. We can still have Faith and wash our hands or even sit at home. God does not want us to test Him – He will protect us, and sometimes that protection means giving you the wisdom to do the simplest of things like following basic human hygiene.

    Identify Idols in your life

    With a lot of sport and music events being shut down, many people have felt an emptiness in their lives. Take time to reflect what matters to you the most and break any idols that may have replaced God.


    Exalt the name of Jesus higher than COVID-19 and every other thing we face.
    Victory comes when we exalt the name of Jesus.

    Exalt the name of Jesus higher than COVID-19.


    What is the gospel?

    This question is, without a doubt, the most crucial question in this book because it has eternal implications for those who either receive it or reject it.
    This is the gospel message.

    How do we deal with the Ravi Zacharias scandal?

    Many people are deeply saddened by the news of the ravi zacharias scandal. But how should we deal with this?

    What is the real meaning of Christmas?

    What is the real meaning of Christmas?

    Last Updated

    Feb 19, 2025

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    The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the eternal love of God for all of humanity.

    We hear a lot of stories about Christmas, but the real story is God becoming a human being through the person of Jesus Christ.

    Humanity was in a fallen state, and so Jesus came to this world to pay the ultimate price for our sins and restore our relationship with the Father, 

    Romans 5:8 (NIV)

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    Christmas was necessary because we all needed a savior, and this is the good news that the angel told the shepherds who were out in the fields. 

    LUKE 2:10-11 (NIV)

    10. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 

    11. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

    We celebrate the SAVIOR because we needed deliverance from our sins. 

    We celebrate the Messiah because He fulfilled all that the law required and is a testament to everyone that all of God’s promises are yes and amen. 

    We celebrate Jesus as the divine Lord, who, in His very humility, took on the role of a servant for our sake. 

    This Christmas season, don’t look for presents under a tree but rather seek for His presence that will set you free.

    Christmas is the celebration of God’s love—Jesus came to save, fulfill God’s promises, and bring us into His presence.

    What is God’s View of Abortion?

    What is God’s View of Abortion?

    Last Updated

    Feb 19, 2025

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    History books will one day read that “the greatest war of the 20th century took place in the womb. We have killed more unborn babies than all our wars on the battlefield combined.” That is a fact.

    The topic of abortion is of much debate in the modern era for every individual.

    But, regardless of your belief in God, the morality of the act of murdering a child is one that we must all question.

    Human reasoning is inconsistent, and our arguments are biased, often based on our personal world views and experiences.

    Therefore, we must look at the view of one who is eternally constant and whose laws are eternally consistent – the creator of the world and life.

    God created us all in His image, and therefore we are to value life equally. A child in the womb is not merely a mass of tissue but rather a human being in the eyes of God.

    The scripture tells us that God has a unique plan and purpose for the lives of every person even while we are still in our mother’s womb.

    Psalm 139:13 (NKJV)

    For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.

    Psalm 139:16 (NKJV)

    Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

    Why is abortion such a big issue for Christians?

    The Bible declares that all life is sacred, and we must seek to protect all human life.

    When we look at the creation account, we see how God has made us in His image and likeness with the ability to create, think, respond, and fellowship with Him.

    Jesus also places a value on us when He gave up on His own life on the cross to pay for our sins and make us right before God. Therefore, life is essential, and God needs us to step in and become the voice for the voiceless.

    Here are a few questions about abortion that would help in understanding the real problem.


    We have read above that God forms us in our mother’s womb, but let’s also look at the following statement from genetic scientist Jerome Lejeune;

    “Life has a very long history, but each of us has a very definite beginning – the moment of conception.

    A month after conception, a human being is one-sixth of an inch long. The tiny heart has already been beating for a week, and the arms, legs, head, and brain have already begun to take shape. At two months, the child would fit into a walnut shell virtually complete, with hands, feet, head, internal organs, brain, everything in place. Look even more closely with a standard microscope, and you’ll be able to make out fingerprints. Everything needed to establish identity is already in place.”


    Some plead that abortion is necessary when the mother’s health is in danger or cases of rape.

    But rape cases make up only about 1% of all total abortions, and a women’s health is the case only 3% of the time. This means that 96% of all abortions simply occur because the father or mother is not ready for the child.

    In the scenario where the mother’s health is under scrutiny, we must use wisdom in determining the outcome after considering all possible medical procedures have been exhausted.

    With regards to a rape victim, the following verse sums it up well;

    “Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin” (Deuteronomy 24:16, NKJV).

    A child should not be held accountable for the wrongful actions of a parent. The pain and hurt suffered by a rape victim are unimaginable, but so is the guilt of aborting a child.

    There have been numerous attestations of women suffering from depression because they decided to abort a child.


    People often say that abortion is a simple solution to solve a bigger issue of guilt and shame.

    However, some of abortion’s unseen consequences are deep regret and guilt.

    Women and men have experienced the hurt of abortion and have undergone tremendous emotional, spiritual, and physical health problems due to the trauma caused by aborting the baby.

    Regardless of the mistake that you have made, God is merciful to forgive and heal you, do not try and fix your error by taking the life of another.

    God does not ask us to fix a wrong decision by another wrong one.


    Exodus 4:11 (NIV)

    11. The LORD said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD?

    Isaiah 45:9 (NIV)

    9. “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground.

    Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say,  ‘The potter has no hands’?

    We are not in any place to question God’s creation.

    Instead, we should reflect on the sins in our lives that are causing us to abort the baby, that is pride, greed, selfishness, and others that are associated with the inconvenience of raising a special needs child.

    Every baby is a creation of God and should be treated with the same value.

    Life is sacred from conception, and God calls us to protect the unborn, offering grace and hope instead of ending a life.

    What is apologetics?

    What is apologetics?

    Last Updated

    Feb 19, 2025

    Reading Time ‘Minutes’

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    The word apologetics comes from the Greek word ‘apologia’, which means to give a defense or an answer.

    The idea is derived from the following verse:

    1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense (‘apologia’) to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear (gentleness and respect);

    At its core, apologetics addresses the world’s questions about Christianity, equipping believers to defend their faith.

    Its purpose is twofold: to clear up misunderstandings and misrepresentations about Christianity and to dismantle intellectual obstacles that hinder non-believers from embracing the faith.

    Unfortunately, due to the often overlooked role of apologetics in contemporary Bible studies many believers are left ill-equipped to effectively counter challenges to their faith.

    When we think about apologetics it isn’t necessarily about winning arguments; it is ultimately about guiding people to trust in the redemptive work of Christ. 

    Our mission is to be the hands and feet of God by sharing the gospel, but it is up to Him to save people, not us.

    As a final point, apologetics serves as a tool not only to defend the faith but also to reassure believers that their faith is reasoned and informed, not merely blind belief. It Is founded on a thoughtful and intelligent assessment of Scripture, supported by factual evidence and truth.

    Apologetics doesn’t replace faith; rather it provides a solid foundation for it.

    Apologetics equips believers to defend their faith with reason and truth, guiding others toward Christ with gentleness and respect.

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