QUESTIONS ABOUT‘Jesus’ Is Jesus God? What is Jesus' most significant claim to be God? Is Jesus the Only way to Heaven? What is the Evidence for the Resurrection? Six arguments against the Resurrection Refuted. Where did Jesus go between His death and resurrection? How can Jesus be both God and Man? Is Jesus a created being? Why is Jesus called 'Son of God'? What does it mean that Jesus grew in wisdom? Could Jesus have sinned? Why did Jesus take baptism? Why did Jesus command not to tell others of the miracles he performed? What is the symbolism of the curtain being torn when Jesus was crucified? What does it mean that Jesus is a passover lamb? What was Jesus referring to when He prayed, "take this cup away" in the garden of Gethsemane? Why did Jesus begin His Ministry at the age of 30? Reasons for Faith in Reasonable time. More questions? Click here for list of all questions answered.