Can a christian be saved by works?

Post Date

May 25, 2020

Reading Time ‘Minutes’

Word Count

It is very common for people to believe that they can earn their way into heaven through specific acts during their time on earth such as good deeds, acts of kindness, giving to the poor, etc.

But can we actually be saved by any works? The answer is Yes! …but ONLY by the finished works of Jesus Christ on the Cross. There are no good works humans on their own can do to earn a spot in heaven.

If Christians were able to earn their own salvation based on their good deeds, then Jesus would have died in vain.

However, does this mean that we should completely disregard good works? The answer is no – as Christians, we believe that Jesus saves us by Grace, but we are expected to do good works.

The theologian Augustine puts it best where he says “we are not saved by faith plus works but rather saved by a faith that works.”

James, the apostle, also quotes:

James 2:17 (NIV)

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Martin Luther also puts it in a great way when he said: “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone” and, this is the evidence of our changed lives.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and acknowledge His finished work for us, we allow him to get on the inside and change our affections for Him so much that we want to serve Him, live for Him, love Him and do good deeds.  But the acts we do are all empowered by His spirit.

In conclusion, a Christian is not saved by his ‘own’ works, but is redeemed through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

a Christian is not saved by his ‘own’ works, but is redeemed through the finished work of Jesus Christ.



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