As stated in the Bible, salvation comes through faith alone in Jesus Christ. In light of this teaching of Scripture, many have questioned the eternal destiny of those who may not have heard the good news of Jesus. So how do we answer this?
In the Bible, God is described as a just God who will judge people on the basis of the light (knowledge and revelation of the truth) they would have received. This concept is central in Romans 1 & 2, which emphasizes God’s revelation of Himself through creation and conscience, making His existence known to all. God has given light to everyone, and those who respond will accordingly receive more light. But what is this light?
- God has given us the ‘light’ of creation through which we know there is a wise and powerful God. Romans 1 speaks about how vast and intricate creation is, which can only be explained by a creator.
- God has given us the ‘light’ of conscience through which we know there is a moral God. Romans 2 speaks about how God’s law is written on our hearts and that we inherently know what is good and evil.
Thus, if the biblical account is true, the existence of God can be known by creation and conscience alone. Furthermore, God’s natural revelation of Himself is neither obscure nor selective, nor is it restricted to a few gifted and intelligent souls.
However, if a person rejects the general revelation available to affirm God’s existence, they would have no reason to believe in the gospel message.
It is not that God cannot reach us; He can. He is not far from us (whether in a busy city or a remote village); we need only truly seek Him. Throughout history, God has been able to bypass human mechanisms to speak to men and women. This may be via public proclaimers, dreams, visions, prophets in biblical times, and during our current age through television, media, blogs, etc. The advancements in technology have enabled more people than ever before to learn more about Jesus without even visiting a church.
Even during the New Testament era, Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel to every nation. By the end of the first century, the message of Christ was preached in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Today, the Bible has been translated into every major language and made freely available by countless organizations. It is absurd to think that there would be people standing before God who would say, “If only I had more information, I would have believed.”
While we have established that there is ample evidence available to believe in God’s existence, it is also important to note that men are ultimately condemned to hell not because they do not live up to the light of the evidence provided but because of their rejection of Jesus Christ.
As Jesus stated in John 16:8-9, the Holy Spirit will convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgement, and the sin is related to their lack of belief in Him.
Therefore God, in His sovereign, predetermined grace, always reaches out to sinful mankind through the Holy Spirit. Scriptures tell us that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from their way and live (Ezek 33:11), and God does not desire for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). It is certain that God will bring all His elect to Himself by allowing them to hear the gospel.
Last but not least, if you are reading this today, guess what? You are not one of those who have not heard, you have heard, and you have the evidence of the gospel’s claim open to you about Jesus claiming to be God and His free gift of salvation for you.
So, what will you do with this information, and how will you share the gospel with those around you?